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Worst thing happened during a gig...


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Last night, outdoors on a pier over the lake facing back toward the house and yard, about 75 people (at that time) in the audience, when the wind suddenly shifted to the north and the rains came. :eek: Everyone grabbed a guitar or amp or speakers or monitors or drums and ran to the trailer, and someone grabbed a tarp and sat under it, covering the bass amp, mixing board, and monitor amp. Eventually, we got those under the carport.


After letting everything dry for a couple of hours (at which time everyone ate), we set up again under the carport and dried everything as much as possible before turning everything back on. Virtually no damage. But, when we finished and went to pack the mixing board (Yamaha EMX5000-20), the inside of the case was wet, so I had to bring it home topless! My wife was wet, too, but I couldn't get her to ride home topless. :mad:


This was the sixth outdoor gig this spring, and the first with rain. One more next Sunday. :thu:

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A 20-30 person brawl broke out at a hardcore show I played at about 10 years ago. Folding chairs were being thrown around the room and one guy got beaten with a crutch taken from a guy with a broken leg.


The show was being held at a hall ATTACHED to a police station.

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Last night, outdoors on a pier over the lake facing back toward the house and yard, about 75 people (at that time) in the audience, when the wind suddenly shifted to the north and the rains came.
Everyone grabbed a guitar or amp or speakers or monitors or drums and ran to the trailer, and someone grabbed a tarp and sat under it, covering the bass amp, mixing board, and monitor amp. Eventually, we got those under the carport.


I've experienced a crazy shift of weather like that before.


It was a beautiful sunny day at the beginning of the song. Halfway through the song the weather quickly changed to heavy rain, lightning and very strong wind. The funniest part was that the singer (a 19 yr old girl) screamed "We're gonna die!" Out of habit, she screamed this right into her mic. Luckily, we caught it all on video. :D





BTW: post #1200

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once a fight broke out during a song ....it was our policy not to stop any song half way through for any reason, but this was a serious fight and we stopped playing (and the song we were playing was our single that had been released 2 months earlier). Someone in the crowd got a beer glass smashed in his face, so our singer pulled the plug and called the bouncers over.


Other than that, I'll never forget the time when my strap broke and my bass just fell ...it was a fast paced song, I had no time to re-attach it and just held my bass up and played the root notes only. That was in the same band and it was out first gig back after a break of 3 months when we had a change of drummers. the strap breaking took me by surprise, but no-one in the band realised it had happened

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Well, there was the time on a ship in a bad storm when my very expensive saxophone fell off its stand and six feet down to the dance floor :eek:.


Or, in another bad storm when we were about to start a rock'n'roll medley. It started with a 10 bar stonking drum solo. The girl dancers were waiting in the wings ready to launch themselves out from both side of the stage at bar 10. I was sat waiting to go and counting "1-2-3-4, 2-2-3-4, 3-2-3-4," etc... while the drummer gave it his all.

Bar nine came and the ship gave an almighty lurch. All hell broke out behind me and out of the corner of my eye I saw a snare drum come clattering past me on it's noisy way to somewhere in the bowels of the ship.

I turned round to see a mess of drums, stands, cymbals etc..., and two fat legs sticking up from the mess. When the cocophony finally died down, I heard a distant voice from behind the pile simply say: "Fook*%g 'ell" :D.


Or, in between songs when the keyboard player (and band leader) was shuffling through music down beside him, one of the audience (a German guy) came up to me and asked if we could play some obscure German song (I can't remember what it was).

I turned round to the keyboard player and said: "Hey Alex, there's some German guy here asking for (whatever the song was). Alex sat up and turned to me, which perfectly lined his mouth up with the microphone - which he'd forgotten to turn off - and said "Tell the Kraut to F%

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Around 2 am, a knife fight broke out round the poker machines.

The police closed the place down because 6 people got cut up and they over 15 fellahs away in paddy wagons to the cop shop.

We got questioned and didnt get to leave till after 5am. We didnt even get paid for the time we were held.:mad:

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Singer went to the loo between sets and hadn't finished pissing before putting his old fellah away and his blue jeans had a big wet patch the size of a dinner plate.

He decided to dry it out with his cigarette lighter and set fire to his shirt and chest hair.:eek:

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Singer went to the loo between sets and hadn't finished pissing before putting his old fellah away and his blue jeans had a big wet patch the size of a dinner plate.

He decided to dry it out with his cigarette lighter and set fire to his shirt and chest hair.

Man, You gotta be makin that {censored}e up!:D

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Brawl broke out round a pool table and three bikes smashed pook ques over this Mouri fellahs head, and then stripped him naked before the one solitary bouncer could get them to leave... this all happened during Stairway to heaven.:thu:


Hmm.. I have plenty more.

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It was actually right after our encore at an outdoor gig in N.C.


We were just starting to load our gear when we heard 'pop, pop, pop, pop ...' towards the entrance to the field. We just wrote it off as fireworks. Turns out it was a couple of rival biker gangs shooting it out.



As we're driving out, there lay a dead biker on the ground, caught a .22 in the chest. Cops everywhere. We were like :eek: :eek: :eek:


Had to give our statement on what we knew a couple days later.

We didn't play out there anymore.

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last song of the set and the low E on my bass broke in the middle of the song I was shocked:eek: .


Another bad thing happened at a freind's gig He was using my rig and in the middle of a song a cable shorts out, I jumped onstage and switched to a backup amp and held the cable in place until the end of the song. I felt like a pit crew.


Same band had a gig recently and one of the guitarists passed out onstage.

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