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!@#$%^&*() on the Waaaaater.

The Aardvark

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A local radio station sponsored an attempt (which turned out to be successful) to break the Guinness World Records record for the most guitars simultaneously playing the same song. They were trying to get 2000 guitar players together to play Smoke on the Water. I play bass in Church on Sunday mornings which ends at 11:30. The schedule said that the final line up would start at 12:00 and the attempt would be at around 12:30. I would just have enough time to make it across town and get there before they started. The pastor was long winded (11:40) and they started early 12:15. By the time I was walking up to the stadium they were already in the middle of the song. I was a spectator for the last 30 seconds or so. I

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That sucks.




There was something similar in my town a while ago. The station was going for the record of biggest harmonica band. If you showed up to the baseball stadium, you would get a free harmonica to participate. Some harmonica company sponsored the event. I think it was Hohner, but I'm not sure. I coudn't make it and I never heard how it turned out.

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