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US most heavily armed nation on earth!!! Umm, duh....


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I have 5 registerd handguns and 1 shotgun that requires no registration

I have a concealed carry permit

I believe the 2nd Amendment is the reason
we have never had ground troops from another country on our soil...in modern times post civil war that is....

everyone knows we are armed to the teeth and take our freedom very seriously....

anyone ever see Red Dawn?

Look at Undead Sycip thats a shot load of guns......I believe in more bullets than more guns. I only got 2 hands.....




If you guys were serious about defending your freedom from another country invading you wouldn't bother so much with guns you'd be loading up on C4 and some tools from your local hardware store.


Re the resources in Australia we have the like you guys have guns... two of the uranium mines in Aus are in S.A. and the otherone is in the N.T. There is it seems (wiki) to be plenty on unmined unranium in the North though

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About gun laws... whatever happens, criminals will get their hands on weapons illegally. That's a fact. Just like any other illegal or controlled substance or material, the black market will always thrive.


Now if it can be proven that possessing weapons yourself can be an effective deterrant is a different story. I wouldn't know from personal experience. There's plenty of guns all over here but very low crime. Other places in Europe where there's high crime tend to be bereft of firearms.

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Completely and totally untrue.

The massively outnumbered Royal Air Force decisively beat Goering's Luftwaffe in the Battle of Britain. This was before America's involvement in the war. In the wake of their massive defeat, Operation Sea Lion (the Nazi plan to invade Britain) was decided to be unfeasible and the plans were scrapped.

"Never has so much been owed by so many, to so few."
- Winston Churchill

The last time the British Isles were invaded and conquered was in
by William I.

So there


So there :D




Completely and totally untrue



I knew they bombed the {censored} out of England but thought they might have had some men on the ground too....its been a while since i "had" to have a history lesson memorized....:idk:

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