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preamp for cheap bass rig


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is it worth it? is it a good idea? I have a behringer ultrabass 4500, it has plenty of power, it just doesn't have much in the way of sound shaping, and it doesn't have a preamp built in. So I was wonering if I should get a seperate preamp with an eq. maybe a tube preamp? maybe one of those behringer v-amp effect/preamp deals. Would this help my rig be more versatile?

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If you're looking for good tone, you might want to consider getting something other than Behringer. Some HCBFers like Behringer gear, but as a rule it doesn't get much love. Many of the designs are shameless rip-offs of quality gear, and the specs fall short in my experience.


I know some folks here run a Sansamp BDDI (or such like) > power amp > cab(s) for good effect.

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I'm not familiar with the Behringer amp you are talking about but every bass amp consists of a power section (for volume) and a pre amp section (for tone shaping). I'm guessing your amp has both. If you aren't happy with the sound, I'm not sure any amount of pedals or pre's are going to help you. My advice is not to scrimp on the amp. Save up some dough while you are playing and get something decent (read: not Behringer :p).



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Sadly, mate, experience tells me you cant polish a turd.

Behringer is good stuff to start with and everyone will have their own behrnger story to tell you.

Stick with it, save your pennies, and buy what you really want when you can.

It will be much more rewarding in the long run.


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thank you for saving me some money and head aches guys :] I really appreciate it. I got the behringer last year because the deal they offered me when i bought my bass, if I got the bass AND the behringer, they knocked enough off of both of them that basically it was like paying 50 bucks for the behringer. And at the time all I had was a screwed up carvin probass 300, which was a cool amp, still have it actually, but its got a loud hiss in it.

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I really appreciate it. I got the behringer last year because the deal they offered me when i bought my bass, if I got the bass AND the behringer, they knocked enough off of both of them that basically it was like paying 50 bucks for the behringer. And at the time all I had was a screwed up carvin probass 300, which was a cool amp, still have it actually, but its got a loud hiss in it.

This forum is all about giving you GAS (gear acquisition syndrome) resist as much as you can. i have some behringer gear and despite parts of it being a bit {censored}ty, it still works after about ten years.

Resist, resist, resist and work out a plan to get the rig you really want.:thu:

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well, I have to be realistic about the rig I want, I'm on disability, so I don't anticipate ever being able to afford the swr, or an ampeg svt no matter how long I save up.

oh, yes, the behringer is just the amp, my cabinets are carvins

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This forum is all about giving you GAS (gear acquisition syndrome) resist as much as you can. i have some behringer gear and despite parts of it being a bit {censored}ty, it still works after about ten years.

Resist, resist, resist and work out a plan to get the rig you really want.


Yeah that is quite true about this forum. Very GAS inducing!

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well, I have to be realistic about the rig I want, I'm on disability, so I don't anticipate ever being able to afford the swr, or an ampeg svt no matter how long I save up.

oh, yes, the behringer is just the amp, my cabinets are carvins


Ok, so are you gigging or is it for home use, church, coffee shops, what?

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is it worth it? is it a good idea? I have a behringer ultrabass 4500, it has plenty of power, it just doesn't have much in the way of sound shaping, and it doesn't have a preamp built in. So I was wonering if I should get a seperate preamp with an eq. maybe a tube preamp? maybe one of those behringer v-amp effect/preamp deals. Would this help my rig be more versatile?



Back on topic, what doesn't you amp do for you now? What sound are you looking for?


For $50 I would play the hell out of any amp that turns on. It sounds great for practice anyways.

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Back on topic, what doesn't you amp do for you now? What sound are you looking for?

For $50 I would play the hell out of any amp that turns on. It sounds great for practice anyways.



I'm going for an allen woody type sound. he played through tube amps, so I was hoping that a tube preamp might get me closer to that sound.


my budget would be about 250 right now. 350 if I sell the behringer

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I'm going for an allen woody type sound. he played through tube amps, so I was hoping that a tube preamp might get me closer to that sound.

my budget would be about 250 right now. 350 if I sell the behringer



dude like I said, behringer v-amp 2... $99 on MF... it has sick tube preamp settings

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