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Jesus Camp Rave

zesty brick

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Religion makes people do irrational things in the name of faith and tradition.

If they actually
read the Bible
, they would find that many of the
traditions they follow are actually based on Pagan ritual.





urgh at weird wrong cult churches here in the midwest.

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I dunno. I thought the movie was more biased than a Michael Moore flick. I'm not a big fan of that type of church, but I really don't think the documentary showed everything in a fair light. All the interviews were cut so short that they were essentially snippits, hardly a fair representation of the person's actual views.

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Religion makes people do irrational things in the name of faith and tradition.

If they actually
read the Bible
, they would find that many of the
traditions they follow are actually based on Pagan ritual.


So, you're saying that in the Bible they mention that these traditions are pagan rituals? :confused:

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So, you're saying that in the Bible they mention that these traditions are pagan rituals?




Easter, Christmas, Lent, Passover, Sunday being the Sabbath were ALL began by the Catholic Church to coincide with Pagan holidays and Pagan traditions.


These are things NOT found in the Bible.

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Easter, Christmas, Lent, Passover, Sunday being the Sabbath were ALL began by the Catholic Church to coincide with Pagan holidays and Pagan traditions.

These are things NOT found in the Bible.


Passover was begun by the Catholic church to coincide with a pagan holiday? And it isn't found in the Bible?


Never heard that one before...good thing you're here to fill us in! :p

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Any fanatic of any faith is scary- and the sad thing is there are lots of them. That doesn't mean that the religion itself is to blame, having faith is never a bad thing. Taking it to the extremes that some fanatics do, however, is the cause of a good percentage of the worlds strife. People argue over faith and resources, and that's about it.


Look at the holy lands, fighting has gone on there for all of human civilization because some guys thought their faith was right and that some other guys' faith was wrong. Just happens to be that at one point in time or another, one groups had more/bigger/meaner/more technologically advanced people- and therefore was the ruler of the area. In truth no one persons faith can be better or more right than any other persons- but people will never see things this way. People like power and superiority too much.


You can blame all the problems of society on this or that, but the harshest reality is that society is made up of people- including me and all those reading it, and deep down it's all of our faults. We just hate to recognize this.


Anyone can have their faith and argue semantics about where it comes from and who is blind to this, and who is enlightened in that, but in all reality you can't blame someone for believing what they do, nor can you really believe that you are a better person for belonging to _____ faith as opposed to ______ faith.


That's all I have to say about that.

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