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Anyone know much about Yorkville bass amps?I'm considering one thats in my price range,and Yorkie has a real good rep in the live sound forum.I've never owned one,and I like trying things I've never had.One of the reviews I read compared it to SWR SM500.That is another one I'm giving alot of consideration as well.Anyone with any "hands on" experience w/Yorkville?

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I've been using an XS800 the last couple years. Great amp!! Had the XC808 cabinet as well which was a fantastic cab.



I have that rig in my living room.

I use it for my practice amp.

Its a really well made great sounding amp and cab.

Very well built. The cab even has a recessed handle on the bottom which really helps load out.


Good stuff.

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I have the XS400.

I swapped the pre tube for a old NOS tube.

it makes me wet.



I put a GT ECC83S in my XS400H, pure bliss.


I've owned or used practically everything of theirs in recent history, what model is it? What do you need to know in addition to what's been said so far?

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It is an XS400H that is just under what I'm looking to spend.You are aware that I'm looking at spares,Renfield.I saw this Yorkville,and figured I could learn more here.So,a worthy head! What would be a good price to give?Would you say better than SWR SM 500?{I've used SWR in the past,twice)

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i use my BM200 at every gig! Besides the Transformer coming off it's mount (A little loc tite and camel snot fixed that 5 years ago) it's been a great amp, loud as hell for a 200 watt single 15 combo! I'd buy another one in a heart beat. Bought this one as a backup and when my main rig did die (5 nights a week beside the ocean will do that) it became my main one, and I love it!

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It is an XS400H that is just under what I'm looking to spend.You are aware that I'm looking at spares,Renfield.I saw this Yorkville,and figured I could learn more here.So,a worthy head! What would be a good price to give?Would you say better than SWR SM 500?{I've used SWR in the past,twice)



Well, I will not speak of the SWR, I have put myself on a lifetime ban on using them now on account of them nearly killing me and 3 other people that I peronally know (4 different amps all melting down and electrocuting people, I was one of them).


The XS400H is a great head, can get many tones out of it, solid as a rock. I've had mine since the first run, never an issue with it.

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A local club had all Yorkville PA equipment and it sounded great. Then they changed owners and a bigger PA was brought

in that sucked compared to the more compact, powerful Yorkville. The Yorkie PA speakers were loud and clear but

also smooth and easy on the ears. I have no experience with the Yorkie bass amps but Bassman's Traynor is a very cool

all-tube head.

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