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25 years ago today...

Goofball Jones

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The Macintosh was born. Here is a video made in January of 1984 where Steve Jobs introduced Macintosh to a crowd of 3000. I suppose this is the birth of the cult of Macintosh also, the birth of the Fanbois....as you can hear the crowd just go wild like they pretty much have for everything that Jobs has introduced since.


This was pretty historic though, no matter how you look at it.




16 months after this, Steve Jobs would be fired by Apple...keep that in mind also. :D

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For certain applications, Macs are great. I don't have any of those applications.



That's today. Nothing the Mac can really do that Windows can't and vice versa. But back then it was different.


Of course, I was much more into the Amiga back then...which came out a year after the Mac in 1985.

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Then they're not the same.



Yeah, you're right.


Anything else you'd like to add to the actual topic of the Mac being introduced 25 years ago? Were you using computers 25 years ago and if so, what were you using? IBM-PC? Tandy? Apple IIe? What were you using it for 25 years ago?


It's interesting how far we've come in just 25 years. I mean, that's not really that long ago, but it seems like eons in the computer world.

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Yes, I remember those. They had a LONG lifetime. Weren't they at one time the highest selling computer? Tons of games for it also.

I don't know for sure. They were very popular, though. A lot of it did have to do with games.


Oh and the other one I had experience with back then was the Tandy TRS-80. You remember? I loved having to write programs in class that were saved to a cassette tape. Reload the tape next class. Fast forward to where the counter says where the program starts. . . . .Fun!!

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I don't know for sure. They were very popular, though. A lot of it did have to do with games.

Oh and the other one I had experience with back then was the Tandy TRS-80. You remember? I loved having to write programs in class that were saved to a cassette tape. Reload the tape next class. Fast forward to where the counter says where the program starts. . . . .Fun!!


OMG, yes. Cassette tapes to load programs. Yeah, I'd spend hours in the Radio Shack playing with those before they kicked me out. :D


Back when hanging around the Radio Shack was cool for the nerds. :cool:

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Were you using computers 25 years ago and if so, what were you using?.



My first PC was an IBM PS-1...


Intel 80486sx processor with a whopping 20 MHz, 512KB of RAM, and a 129 MB hard drive.


By comparison...


My {censored}ty little laptop is a Toshiba Satellite with a 2.4 Ghz Intel Celeron, 2 GB of RAM, and an 80 Gig hard drive.

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