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'Essential' Bass Effects


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I've rarely used effects in my playing, perhaps compression sometimes (but i'd rather do that via technique), and a little chorus sometimes, never used an overdrive/fuzz effecct, but done so with amps. I am thinking about experimenting with effects, and I wonder what folsk think are the core effects that might be useful. And suggestions for the best of each breed welcome too, though with an eye to thrift as well.

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Before I got my multi-effect, I always had chorus, delay, at least one type of drive/distortion/, and one or two modulations like a phase or flanger.


But with my cover band I just use both channels and both Overdrive circuits on the Mesa. Even the guitards don't use FX besides wah and talk box, which I think is kinda cool.

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I've rarely used effects in my playing, perhaps
sometimes (but i'd rather do that via technique), and a little
sometimes, never used an
effect, but done so with amps.

Well, those are pretty much the bread-and-butter effects for bass. The other two biggies are octaves (down or up) and envelope-controlled filters (an "auto-wah").


Before everyone jumps on the "it's all in your hands" bandwagon, just about everyone uses or has used some combination of these effects. Jaco, for example, was known to use compression, chorus, and overdrive quite liberally. He also used delays and octave pedals quite often. But I'm sure the "all in your hands" brigade is more skilled than he was, so it's probably irrelevant :p


For me, I generally use just some compression. I have an EH Bass Micro Synth and an EH Q-Tron. Those two pedals cover all the bases: octave up, octave down, notch filter, distortion, overdrive, and both upward and downward sweeping wah effects.

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I like modulation effects the most...chorus, flanger, phaser.

But I also like some wah type sounds, distortion of all flavors, delay, compression...basically everything




That's why I got the M13. It's got way more than I'll ever use, but at least I won't have to keep buying and buying to get that "one" little sound I use for :15 and no one really notices, but it makes me smile. :D

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Well, those are pretty much the bread-and-butter effects for bass. The other two biggies are octaves (down or up) and envelope-controlled filters (an "auto-wah").

Before everyone jumps on the "it's all in your hands" bandwagon, just about
uses or has used some combination of these effects. Jaco, for example, was known to use compression, chorus, and overdrive quite liberally. He also used delays and octave pedals quite often. But I'm sure the "all in your hands" brigade is more skilled than he was, so it's probably irrelevant


Thank you.

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How's things going with ya man? You still with the same lady friend? Life in general?


Things are good. Yup...still with her. I think she's a keeper...so I figure I'll hang onto here for as long as I can.


I've been playing my guitar more and more again...that's why I'm not around as much as I used to be. And for a bassist that doesn't play in a band I'd say I've got a pretty kickass little setup...

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Things are good. Yup...still with her. I think she's a keeper...so I figure I'll hang onto here for as long as I can.

I've been playing my guitar more and more again...that's why I'm not around as much as I used to be. And for a bassist that doesn't play in a band I'd say I've got a pretty kickass little setup...



Awesome man. Glad life's treatin' ya well.

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How about you???


Just workin' man! I've got some awesome new gear and band, as per the sig, so things are working alright.


I'm coming around to the notion of getting "More serious" with the gf, but am focusing on a job and location move first- then we'll see. :)

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