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MS Word Formatting Question


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I just dealt with this recently....


If 2007 is anything like 2003, you will need to use section breaks to identify each section. You can then set the formatting for the footer in each section.


With respect to the first page, there is a setting somewhere (i think in the header and footer page setup) to leave the footer off the first page.

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I just dealt with this recently....

If 2007 is anything like 2003, you will need to use section breaks to identify each section. You can then set the formatting for the footer in each section.

With respect to the first page, there is a setting somewhere (i think in the header and footer page setup) to leave the footer off the first page.



You beat me to it.


I just finished a technical manual for my job that had a total of 95 pages. I used section breaks to control the page numbering.


I ended up using almost every feature Word has. I am now an expert at Microsoft Word 2007. If anyone has questions, I am happy to help.

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I don't know about the previous suggestion but this is what I do.


The page dialogue box allows you to not number the first page. In 2003 it's a checkbox so 2007 should be similar. That takes care of the first page.


As for the other pages, I go in manually to the footer and delete the page numbers on the ones that I want no number.

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