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Practice amp for bedroom


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What should I be looking at?


Oh, and cheap too.



My opinion? You shouldn't throw away your hard earned $$$ on cheap. Be patient, prudent, and save up your gig earnings to put towards something that will inspire you to plug in and stay plugged in longer.

I honestly haven't found anything that meets that criteria smaller/cheaper than the Peavey Max112. It pushes a nice ammt of air with enough power for clean headroom at bedroom volumes. We all cranked out "boom boxes" back when we were teens.

Another thought is a Korg Pandora and a nice set of quality(good sounding/comfortable) headphones like Sony MDR7506's or the like.

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I just went through this a few months ago. I ended up getting an Eden/Nemesis 110 combo. It's a tad light on volume, but it does alright, and it handles my MTD's low B fine.

I may look for another 110 extension cab.

However I almost bought the Line6 LowDown 110 and if I were to do it over, I probably would get that one.

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