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I want this woman to die horribly.


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When we are upside down our feet are six feet above our heads, blood rushes to the head and it is uncomfortable. If you are only two feet tall it is much different as the blood pressure difference from foot to head is very small. Pictures don't tell you much about what happened before or after the 1/100th of a second that is captured.

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that baby is fat. Really fat. his face looks like its going to explode.



That baby is not fat. Babies need to carry more body fat during early development for healthy brain growth. Welcome to Incorrectville!

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Actually babies need high lipids. Your wrong on this. Lipids don't make babies fat. To many calories make babies fat. You gotta it half right though.




That baby is not fat. Babies need to carry more body fat during early development for healthy brain growth. Welcome to Incorrectville!


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That baby is not fat. Babies need to carry more body fat during early development for healthy brain growth. Welcome to Incorrectville!



Listen to Lug.


He's got 298 known children. Two more and he can lead his family in attack at Thermopylae.


He knows teh swaddled ones.

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no. I won't. Mostly becuase hes wrong. There is a difference between being fat and consuming fat. Body fat does not accumulate from the intake of fat. It amasses when you eat to many calories. Babies need to eat lots of lipids. Calories must be balanced.




Listen to Lug.

He's got 298
children. Two more and he can lead his family in attack at Thermopylae.

He knows teh swaddled ones.


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I have no idea what was happening. Perhaps they were playing and the baby was having fun swinging upside down. The diaper bag was getting in the way, so mom multi-tasked. But it's just a pic and we have no idea. Maybe the baby is laughing hysterically. Pictures can be deceptive.


My thoughts exactly.

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no. I won't. Mostly becuase hes wrong. There is a difference between being fat and consuming fat. Body fat does not accumulate from the intake of fat. It amasses when you eat to many calories. Babies need to eat lots of lipids. Calories must be balanced.



That baby is not too fat. You may think differently, but you are wrong. Send that pic to 100 pediatricians and 99 of them won't have a problem with it's weight. I had trouble keeping several of my kids up to weight, that's how I know.


babies and fat... http://www.homemade-baby-food-recipes.com/whole-milk-and-fats-for-baby.html

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In spite of the expertise of the so called pediatricians childrens IQ score seem to decline with the recomended BMI indexing which is constantly being raised.


You have to realize Lipids are digestable fats. Fats do not make you fat. Calories make you fat.


Lets examine 2 scenarios.


BTW fire you pediatrician he/she is a {censored}ing retard. How can one not understand basic nutrition and BMI ?


Baby a eats a 2000 calorie diet wiegh 30 lbs and is approximately 24 inch tall. Baby A eat 14grms of lipid everyday


Baby b eat aporximately 1000 calories is 25 lbs and is 24inchs tall. baby b eat 48grm lipids everyday


Baby b will consitently outscoure baby a. Everytime on intelegence testing.Why ? Becuase Lipids are the fats that make up the human brain. A baby being fat has absoltuely nothing to do with how much Fat/lipid a baby may or may not be eating.


A baby that fat actually indicates a ultra high protien,ultra high calorie diet with not enough fat. Hence why the baby is fat. The body does not reabsorb its own fat for brain growth. Wrong type of fat.


Oddly that very diet being fed to baby A will set baby A up for Renal fialure,diabetes and will not help the baby grow brain tissue.


There is a difference between storing fat and eating fats.




baby is not too fat. You may think differently, but you are wrong. Send that pic to 100 pediatricians and 99 of them won't have a problem with it's weight. I had trouble keeping several of my kids up to weight, that's how I know.

babies and fat...


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Oddly enough Breast milk is just about perfect. Not becuase its lipid content is spectaculary high but becuase the lipid are exactly perfect and digestiable.


The also make a DHEA High lipid baby formula although you can only get it in predigested form. The truth is the predigested baby formulas are actually closer to breast milk then your standard shelf stock {censored} which is akin to eating cardboard. They have the correct nutritional values but the babies digestive tract isnt capable of breaking down those store formulas.To many complex molecule chains that the infant digestive tract is not capable of handling.


the body gets what it can from standard store formulas which are calories and simple protiens. the fats are in the wrong format for proper digestion. There are lots of article written by leading nutritionist not only explaing the chemisty but the biological agents as to why store formulas are not good for babies at all.


All mothers should be encouraged to breast feed and eat a healthy balanced diet.




So what's a high lipid-count meal suitable for a baby?


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In spite of the expertise of the so called pediatricians childrens IQ score seem to decline with the recomended BMI indexing which is constantly being raised.

You have to realize Lipids are digestable fats. Fats do not make you fat. Calories make you fat.

Lets examine 2 scenarios.

BTW fire you pediatrician he/she is a {censored}ing retard. How can one not understand basic nutrition and BMI ?

Baby a eats a 2000 calorie diet wiegh 30 lbs and is approximately 24 inch tall. Baby A eat 14grms of lipid everyday

Baby b eat aporximately 1000 calories is 25 lbs and is 24inchs tall. baby b eat 48grm lipids everyday

Baby b will consitently outscoure baby a. Everytime on intelegence testing.Why ? Becuase Lipids are the fats that make up the human brain. A baby being fat has absoltuely nothing to do with how much Fat/lipid a baby may or may not be eating.

A baby that fat actually indicates a ultra high protien,ultra high calorie diet with not enough fat. Hence why the baby is fat. The body does not reabsorb its own fat for brain growth. Wrong type of fat.

Oddly that very diet being fed to baby A will set baby A up for Renal fialure,diabetes and will not help the baby grow brain tissue.

There is a difference between storing fat and eating fats.


So, from the pic of the upside down baby, you can discern his lipid count? :confused:




(BTW, I've seen many babies his size that subsist on nothing but breatmilk. Not having a crystal ball, I don't know his specific diet )

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I can see what appears to be an unhealthy improperly fed baby.


Skin color Extremely pale. so is the mother. She doesn't eat well either. Obviously nutrition isn;t something she has a grasp of.


Facially fat and lower extremity bloating.


Midsection bloated. Baby is most likely not breast feed.


Skin color inconsistent with aparent ethnic descent. South eastern european.


The baby is Obese. Looks Obese is not getting enough beta keratine"skin color" Looks like a store formula fed baby. I see them all the time. I have lots of conversations at the grocery store with women about why my son looks,behaves and acts differently.


I expalin its nutrition. He is markedly better. Thinner,healthier more active and the intelegence difference isn't just a bit noticeabley different its vastly different.



he score 1-2 months ahead on developemental assesments and he was 2 months early. Its nutrition nothing special.


. Thats just from casual observation. I'd bet the baby is also lathargic and umotivated as well as being of below average intelligence when graded from babies of similar age around 30-100 years ago.


Of course with todays high standards "Chuckle" the baby is most likely normal.



So, from the pic of the upside down baby, you can discern his lipid count?


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