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Amp Recommendations


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I've been looking at a new amp for awhile now. I think i have decided on getting a combo amp thats between 250 and 400 watts. I was thinking about going with a ampeg BA300 210, but i'm still on the fence. any one have any suggestions for an amp, i'm in the 400-600 price range

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I just got a BA300 210, and it's a pretty nice little amp. Just don't do what i did.


I bought mine from musician's friend, and it was a scratch n' dent one, i figured it just had a tolex tear or something, so i bought it, and it was only $650. I got it, and it didn't come with a warranty card or anything, not a big deal. It worked out of the box, but the next night it took like 10 minutes to come on, but i figured it was the tube warming up or something. I've never owned a tube amp, and the BA300 has a tube preamp. the next night it didn't come on at all. I called musicians friend, and they gave me some grief because it didn't have the warranty card, and i had already thrown out some of the original packaging, so i might have to pay a 15% restocking fee.


theres a guy here in colorado springs who specializes in amp and electronics repair, he got a schematic from ampeg, and had it back to me in like 3 days. there was a bad transistor in the power amp, that was activating the amp's muting circuit. it cost me $100. so in the end i still got the amp for $50 less than the list price. I've heard a lot of other people complain about ampeg's quality recently too, so if you end up with one, make sure you get the warranty and stuff.


in retrospect, i probably should have shopped around some more, or just got something better, used, off of CL. :facepalm:


live and learn, right? it's a decent little combo, it has a nice sound and it can keeps up with my drummer. it doesn't, however, have a speaker out. so you can't just use the combo to power another cabinet. which also kind of sucks.


now that i think about it...


wanna buy my BA300 210?

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I have an Ampeg B100R that I got for free from a new store opening. It's 100-watt 1x15 combo and is FREAKING LOUD! It easily kept up with a loud drummer and two guitars with no problems. If the B100R can do that, I would think the B200 would suffice for what you're doing...not sure what the price on them is these days...but I think it's close to what you're looking for.

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I have an Ampeg B100R that I got for free from a new store opening. It's 100-watt 1x15 combo and is FREAKING LOUD! It easily kept up with a loud drummer and two guitars with no problems. If the B100R can do that, I would think the B200 would suffice for what you're doing...not sure what the price on them is these days...but I think it's close to what you're looking for.





I guess our definition of "loud" is two different things - because in all honesty, I don't see a B100R doing ANY of the things you describe, nor being "loud" at all...


My advice to the OP is NOT to buy a combo amp, and buy used - a decent head and cab can easily be had within that price range, and truly will cover nearly any gig...



- georgestrings

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as a proud owner of a GK backline 600, i can say that it sounds just as good as a 700rb, 1001rb, or any of GK's high end amps


yes i have A/B'd them


the main difference is the holymotherofgod head room with the 1001 (and i guess the 2001)


i got mine for $225 BRAND NEW (i new the guy :D) but even $300 isnt a bad price


throw in a 2x10, 1x15 or maybe a 2x12 if you can swing it, and BOOM, insta nice rig

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I guess our definition of "loud" is two different things - because in all honesty, I don't see a B100R doing ANY of the things you describe, nor being "loud" at all...



The drummer was so loud, by himself, that earplugs had to be used. Couple that with the two guitarists and their 50-watt 2x12 combo amps cranked up to 8 and my bass could still be heard? It was plenty loud enough to be used. However, I will also add that we were PRACTICING...in a 15'x15' room. For this application it was quite sufficient and could be heard...even the drummer was surprised that this little 100-watt combo could be heard over all the racket in the room.


I have used the amp in a 3-piece band before (drums, guitar, bass)...again, for practice, in a garage. It was plenty loud for that as well. That drummer was nowhere NEAR as loud in that group...he knew how to control his volume.


I am not a liar nor do I exagerate. I resent the implication that I am or do.


I agree with the other post, though. To the OP, a combo is great for practice, but for a gig, you are going to want something more modular. Get a good amp head and a cabinet or two. You'll be happier in the long run.

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The drummer was so loud, by himself, that earplugs had to be used. Couple that with the two guitarists and their 50-watt 2x12 combo amps cranked up to 8 and my bass could still be heard? It was plenty loud enough to be used. However, I will also add that we were PRACTICING...in a 15'x15' room. For this application it was quite sufficient and could be heard...even the drummer was surprised that this little 100-watt combo could be heard over all the racket in the room.

I have used the amp in a 3-piece band before (drums, guitar, bass)...again, for practice, in a garage. It was plenty loud for that as well. That drummer was nowhere NEAR as loud in that group...he knew how to control his volume.

I am not a liar nor do I exagerate. I resent the implication that I am or do.

I agree with the other post, though. To the OP, a combo is great for practice, but for a gig, you are going to want something more modular. Get a good amp head and a cabinet or two. You'll be happier in the long run.




Again, I guess my definition of "loud" is different than yours - I've dimed one of those combos before, and it is not what I'd call "loud"... Sorry if you resent my "implication" - but that's the way it is...




- georgestrings

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as a proud owner of a GK backline 600, i can say that it sounds just as good as a 700rb, 1001rb, or any of GK's high end amps

yes i have A/B'd them

the main difference is the holymotherofgod head room with the 1001 (and i guess the 2001)

i got mine for $225 BRAND NEW (i new the guy
) but even $300 isnt a bad price

throw in a 2x10, 1x15 or maybe a 2x12 if you can swing it, and BOOM, insta nice rig




We've had this discussion before - apparantly, you're the only one here who thinks the Backline 600 "sounds just as good as a 700rb, 1001rb, or any of GK's high end amps"... I'm glad you're happy with your amp, but I don't think anyone here agrees with your assessment of it vs GK's Artist Series...




- georgestrings

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