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Any juggling bass players out there?


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Just wanted to share my progress and see if anyone has some advice or tips.


I've been lightly practicing for a few weeks with consistency and I can finally keep 3 balls in the air for 30-50 catches. Its a great way to relieve stress and build confidence in myself. Plus, I'm not exactly the wittiest or funniest guy, and having a new trick in my repertoire to make girls laugh is always a bonus. Even my clumsy 3 ball cascade after a few beers was enough last night to impress my friends.


So anyway, I'm not satisfied with stopping there. I immediately got the hang of some 'over the pattern' throws/catches and mixing them up in my 3 ball cascade. Plus I can do a true half shower for maybe 10 catches before dropping things. I never quite got the hang of 2 balls in one hand, my throwing is so sloppy and I guess its just going to take lots of practice.


Once and a while I'll try the easiest synchronous throw trick, 'columns', but I can't throw two balls at the exact same height perfectly straight to save my life. Columns looks really cool though and I think the cost/benefit ratio is really good to get that trick nailed down.


Here is what I'm working on right now, in order of priority more or less. I think they are easy to reach goals and I'm trying not to set unrealistic expectations.


1. Consistently juggle a standard 3 ball cascade for over 100 catches

2. Get the throwing pattern nailed down for a 'reverse cascade'.

3. Seemlessly transition my half shower to and from the cascade.

4. Columns. Right now I'm just practicing throwing two balls exactly the same, trying not to drop them.



I guess I'm just trying to stick to the fundamentals for now, then the more interesting tricks will come with time!

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I'm a fan of juggling, but sadly never got into actually doing it. Thought about it but never took that first step.

Good luck.



I have a hard time staying committed to a lot of things, but just spending a few minutes throwing the beanbags around after work was enough to get me addicted. Its easy to see some progress after a week or two of light practice and there are TONS of awesome tricks you can do with just 3 balls.

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I have a hard time staying committed to a lot of things, but just spending a few minutes throwing the beanbags around after work was enough to get me addicted. Its easy to see some progress after a week or two of light practice and there are TONS of awesome tricks you can do with just 3 balls.



Like the sandbox shuffle, for example... A year later if I can do this trick, I would be extremely impressed with myself. I would think the 5 ball cascade would be easier than this.



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I have a hard time staying committed to a lot of things, but just spending a few minutes throwing the beanbags around after work was enough to get me addicted. Its easy to see some progress after a week or two of light practice and there are TONS of awesome tricks you can do with just 3 balls.



It was really the notion that to get beyond the level of mediocre takes an overwhelming amount of time. You see guys like Jason Garfield or Vova Galchenko and you're all enthusiastic, and then you realize to get to that level you'll need to lock yourself in doing nothing but juggling for a decade.


I will offer you some inspiration



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You know, the fact that that guy spent years of his life mastering machine-like, robotic, club tricks for the sake of sheer numbers and amazement is kinda sad, really. I rather stick with balls, preferably 3 or 4, maybe 5. Just look at this kid, he said he's been at it for 1 and a half years.




If this is mediocrity, then I'm all for it. These moves seem more fluid, artistic, and impressive than juggling 5 or 6 clubs under your legs. Of course, thats all IMHO.

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I can do a 3-ball cascade all day long, but that's about it. Clubs, rings, any other patterns - not happening. I used to have a set of weighted juggling balls that made for a good arm-burning workout - and quick feet in case of drops.


It's been a while since I've played with my balls. I think I'll go dust & off and give them a good tossing. :lol:

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When I was younger, I took lessons that were SUPPOSED to be magic lessons, but ended up being a lot of juggling. I learned some basic 1 person patterns, but I did a lot of 2 person stuff in the act. Tossing, etc. Was a lot of fun. I haven't kept up with it, but can still do a good couple of basic 3 ball patterns.

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If this is mediocrity, then I'm all for it.



You can be all for it, and that's fine. IMO, as an observer, it's very artistic but very limited in technical difficulty. Of course "I can't do it and never will be able to do it, so who am I to even comment?"


I am just an observer. I appreciate the artistry of the performance, but also recognize that as far as juggling goes it's pretty basic. If what you're going for is artistry, then that kid has it. If what your going for is becoming a good juggler, that kid has a long long way to go.


If I wanted to commit myself to it (which is the real issue) I would still never reach the point that kid has in that amount of time. Kudos to him. I suspect he is trying very hard to work on more complex stuff. Watch the drop off in ability in the "harder stuff I can do video" when he moves to 4 balls.




I'm not trying to take anything away from him, or you. I'm only explaining why I didn't pursue it. If I want to showcase my artistic abilities I already have a number of mediums in which I'm barely mediocre, such as bass playing.

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  • 2 months later...
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Well, two months have past and progress has been made!


cascade - over 100 catches routinely


reverse cascade - a little sloppy but I can usually transition into this pattern on the fly


columns - see above


half showers - clockwise great and steady. counter-clockwise is sloppy because my left hand can't through for crap


Clawed catches - I can do two in a row no problem. I can do 5 in a row but usually after that I start throwing the balls in random directions with much velocity.


Two in one hand is real nice and steady in my right hand. Left hand, not so great. Once I can get that left hand up to speed I can start trying 4 ball fountains. Oh and showers for some reason are impossible for me. I just can't do that sidepass worth {censored}.

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I always wanted to. When the dogs were younger, and I'd stand out on the walk while they played and sniffed for 10 or 20 minutes, I'd use the couple of tennis balls and see what I could do with 2. I'm really not coordinated, so to do anything at all seemed to impress me. :p

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Likes the light up juggling balls. Kewl vids.



Heheheh. I found this guy Falco Schefler on youtube who is probably the best I've seen at high speed juggling with 3,4 and 5 balls. He is my inspiration. And he's much cooler than dorky Chris Bliss



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A few months ago, one of my coworkers said "you are pretty weird, I bet you can juggle."


I'd never really tried, but I gave it a go and I could. I messed around with it a few days, but that's about it. I can go about 100 times as well.

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