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alright people sell me on the Iphone.


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Price just dropped to $99 when the newer model was released (according to story in our local paper)... it is still just a fancy toy with cool apps.


If you want a serious functional smart phone, go with a blackberry. if you want fun, web apps, games, pure entertainment with an iffy phone thrown in, get the iphone.


I have never had trouble with AT&T, but chose to go with a BlackBerry curve because of battery life, better email synching (options), and usability.

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Do it. There really pretty much is an "app for everything" as the commercial says. Also nice is the consolidation of devices. No more carrying around a phone and an ipod. In a few weeks, no more dedicated GPS either. (I know the iPhone does GPS now, but it's getting "real" GPS with the 3.0 update.


PDA functions like mail, calendar, and contacts work just as well as they do on a Blackberry (never had a Palm, so I can't speak for it). Actually, from what I understand, BB's only support one email account at a time. I don't know how many different accounts the iphone will handle, but I have five setup on mine. It really just comes down to which interface you prefer.


Someone will inevitably bring up the lack of a copy/paste function, but that's getting remedied with the new update, too.

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If you want a serious functional smart phone, go with a blackberry. if you want fun, web apps, games, pure entertainment with an iffy phone thrown in, get the iphone.



I don't get this argument. My iphone seems just a smart as any blackberry I've ever had, if not smarter. This may have been true in the first iteration of the phone, but I don't feel like it's lacking at all anymore.

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I don't get this argument. My iphone seems just a smart as any blackberry I've ever had, if not smarter. This may have been true in the first iteration of the phone, but I don't feel like it's lacking at all anymore.


Nyah Nyah Nyah! By iPhone can beat up your Blackberry!!!

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I bought a Mac Mini around the same time I bought my iPhone. Integration is super sweet. I needed a new phone(old pay as you go flip phone busted) and wanted to finally get around to treating myself to an MP3 player. This not only killed 2 birds w/one tasty stone, but the free apps alone are worth the cost of admission. I use the GPS extensively when travelling. Internet & email are handy and somewhat elegant. Camera works well. Maybe just as important as anything is that the user interface kicks the living sh*t out of any other phone I've encountered.

I'm pissed that my area isn't 3G yet. That's my biggest gripe.

The actual phone & iPod parts are great.


[brushes hands]

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Depends on what your needs are.


If you really need "an app for everything" then go with the iPhone.


Personally I can do everything I need on my Blackjack: email, calendar, notes, contacts, txt, phone, gps, MP3s, Internet access.


Can even play Doom and every Nintendo game ever made. :thu:

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I would honestly get one if my family wasn't on Verizon and if I didn't already have a work-supplied smartphone. And maybe we'll get iPhones the next time around, who knows.


For me, it's the UI that's killer. Also, as usual, Apple does a good job of creating not just a product, but an "experience" that you won't find in another device. The apps are nice, the fundamental flaws in the device (copy/paste and no landscape keyboard) will be fixed in the 3.0 update and it's a nice all-in-one package. The touchscreen is great - exactly the way a modern touch interface should function, IMO.


I'm no Apple fanboy, nor do I own one, but they're nice devices.

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Do it. There really pretty much is an "app for everything" as the commercial says. Also nice is the consolidation of devices. No more carrying around a phone and an ipod. In a few weeks, no more dedicated GPS either. (I know the iPhone does GPS now, but it's getting "real" GPS with the 3.0 update.

PDA functions like mail, calendar, and contacts work just as well as they do on a Blackberry (never had a Palm, so I can't speak for it). Actually, from what I understand, BB's only support one email account at a time. I don't know how many different accounts the iphone will handle, but I have five setup on mine. It really just comes down to which interface you prefer.

Someone will inevitably bring up the lack of a copy/paste function, but that's getting remedied with the new update, too.





My Blackberry curve supports multiple email accounts. From what I have read, and seen comparing my BB to my daughters iphone(s), the email functionality is much better on Blackberry. It may be better on the latest version, but on my daughters phone, email was "pulled" instead of "pushed", which used a lot of battery life. Also, most articles rate security on the BB as much better, but that only affects people who use the mail and functionality for business or secure uses. They are very close and almost just a personal preference at this point.


But my daughter who is on her second iphone, still wants a BB as her next phone. She said the new wore off the play-pretty iphone. There are sometimes I wish I had gone iphone, but both devices can do most all of the same things, except for the massive apps library for iphone. The main problem I have with iphone is that Apple will not let any software run as a service. it is strictly a "one application at a time" operating system where BB allows task switching. This is a minor thing for most iphone users though. YMMV.

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I would definitely consider an iPhone (in the middle of looking for a new phone myself right now) but will not switch from Sprint to AT&T. Why? The difference in monthly charges is significant over the course of a two year contract. AT&T should get with the program.


As it stands now, I'm heavily leaning towards the newly released Palm Pre.

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Mine is integrated very nicely with my PC but I imagine you get extras if you use it with a Mac.


I have a few music apps - instruments, that sort of thing, mainly (the Mellotron is excellent, for example) - and the utilities are fine. I especially like the screen keyboard, and find it (combined with predictive text which actually predicts, usually, what I want to say (rather than what a 15yo spotty kid would want 2 say f u no wot i mean)) very easy to use.


The b*gger is the battery life. I've sent to China for one of those battery cases - rather cheaper than the one Apple sells - and I'll probably post a review of that when it arrives.


But anyway - go on, you know you want one!

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I would definitely consider an iPhone (in the middle of looking for a new phone myself right now) but will not switch from Sprint to AT&T. Why? The difference in monthly charges is significant over the course of a two year contract. AT&T should get with the program.

As it stands now, I'm heavily leaning towards the newly released Palm Pre.



Holy crap, the Pre is $200! iPhones are now $99.


I won't switch to AT&T either, but the iPhone is hard to beat at $99 and I'm an Apple hater.

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You can do push email with iPhone, but you can only do it by using a Yahoo.com email account. For business this probably isn't a consideration, but for personal use it works great. When an email goes to my Yahoo.com email account, I get a notification about 5-15 seconds later (I've tested a few times to make sure it isn't some kind of automated 15 minute pull in the background like you have to do with every other email account.).


I also love my Shazam and AAA discount applications. With Shazam, I never have to wonder what song is playing on the radio. I click a button, Shazam records a short sample and sends it to a server for analysis. Within a minute I know artist, album, song title, and have links to lyrics, YouTube videos and to buy the song from iTMS. The AAA app takes my current location, then puts in on a Google map, with every business giving a AAA discount pinned on the map too. Click on the pin and I get business details with contact info, the type of discount and how to go about getting the discount (sometimes it just take showing my AAA card, other times it's buying discount tix at the AAA office like movie tix for example). Both these programs are free and awesome.

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I just hate "typing" on that touch screen. If you're going to be doing tons of e-mail and SMS texting, the BlackBerry is much quicker and easier to use. It also works better as a phone and has a much, much longer battery life.


I see the iPhone as an entertaining little gadget. Great for fooling around on the web, etc. but pretty marginal as a phone and communications device.


On top of that, I'm happier with T-Mobile than I would be with AT&T. Overall, the BlackBerry just works better for what I need. But I'm more of a "business user" I suppose.

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I would definitely consider an iPhone (in the middle of looking for a new phone myself right now) but will not switch from Sprint to AT&T. Why? The difference in monthly charges is significant over the course of a two year contract. AT&T should get with the program.

As it stands now, I'm heavily leaning towards the newly released Palm Pre.




AT&T isn't the best service provider out here.

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Don't get one. The apps and service are retardedly expensive, the touch-screen is a smudgy peice of crap and you can't change the battery. Also, you'll look like a hipster douchebag for using what essentially is an mp3 player with a phone app.

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I have an iPhone, and I've not had a lot of experience with too many other PDA/Smartphones/BBs etc....


I'm not a Mac fiend by any stretch, but I doubt I'll ever trade it for any other phone. (except for a 3Gs when I can scrape up the money, since my city just went 3G a couple months ago)


The GPS will be a nice feature. I use just the basic Maps feature quite a bit as it is. There have been a few times I've taken a wrong turn, or have been trying to find a street, and I just triangulate my position, find where I'm at, and bada bing!

You can also download the "around me" app to search for local restaurants, stores, bars, banks, movie theaters, etc.... and get instant phone numbers, addresses, and directions.


Email couldnt be simpler, and it supports multiple accounts. The iPhone seems quite a bit more user friendly than other phones I've messed with too.


The abundance of Apps is also a plus. There are plenty of useful apps besides games. I have a rather functional graphing calculator on mine. I also have a pretty accurate level and a unit converter that prove useful from time to time.

There's an app that tells you what song is playing on the radio at any moment (just hold your phone to the speaker and tag it; it gives the artist, album, genre, etc... and you can link to iTunes with a wifi and buy the song)


There are also an abundance of weather apps and other useful things.


The thing is, there will always be an abundance of apps and improvements/updates made on the firmware, apps, and accessories.


I can't speak for other phones/pda's as far as available apps and updates, but I'm pretty satisfied with my phone so far.


Oh, and don't forget the mp3 conveniences. And surfing the web is as easy as anything for the most part.


Is it the best phone ever?

I can't really say, but it definitely does its job well.

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Don't get one. The apps and service are retardedly expensive, the touch-screen is a smudgy peice of crap and you can't change the battery. Also, you'll look like a hipster douchebag for using what essentially is an mp3 player with a phone app.



You'll be the man to tell us which is better, Fender or Gibson, and to settle the Mac v. PC debate once and for all, I'll be bound.


Wait, though, there'll be another one along in a min

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