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Hey Z-X


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right. was just thinkin' if he could save a few bucks, and still look professional...



I'm sure it's an option that he's considered, but I think he's holding off until he has the cash to get Roland's top of the line module.


Besides, he's just a hack in a bull{censored} cover band whose members made $50+ an hour last night. ;)

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I'm sure it's an option that he's considered, but I think he's holding off until he has the cash to get Roland's top of the line module.

Besides, he's just a hack in a bull{censored} cover band whose members made $50+ an hour last night.


well {censored} - all he needs is a couple of tin cans than...


{censored}in' hacks.

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That's an interesting point. On a related note do you think that it's wise for a guy to spend a ton-o-cash on his backline at the expense of the PA? What is the primary reason you are in your current project, love of music or love of money?

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well {censored} - all he needs is a couple of tin cans than...

{censored}in' hacks.



If we could get the same money with tin cans, we'd be all over it. :thu:


I think our next move is to get a nice big lcd monitor to put in place of the kick drum and sell ad space.

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That's an interesting point. On a related note do you think that it's wise for a guy to spend a ton-o-cash on his backline at the expense of the PA? What is the primary reason you are in your current project, love of music or love of money?



A ton-o-cash on a backline at the expense of the PA is {censored}ing stupid.


I'm in it for the cash and the fat chicks.

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That's so crazy it might just work.


At well over 100 gigs a year, that's some valuable real estate. It was Z-x's idea and it's a good one. If we are going to sell out, there's no reason to half ass it. We are quite honest about what we do.

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I've been considering this for a while, it seems like it'd go over well, the bars can run their specials on there, we can take pictures from gigs and put people's faces on there, we can advertise upcoming gigs, and for a price, we can advertise whatever the hell else we want. There's about a million cool things that are possible. Until a drumstick smashes into it or something. I just bought a projector and I'm going to try rear-projecting onto a white bass drum head first; if that doesn't work, I'll probably go with the LCD.


As far as the mesh heads, I've looked into that, but (a) I don't have the time to build the trigger units themselves, and the triggers that mount on seem a bit unreliable, (b) the drum brain itself is expensive -- the TD-20 module is $2,000 by itself, © that doesn't help with the cymbals, which is by far the noisiest part of the kit, and (d) it doesn't save me any space in the trailer.


Believe me, I'd have no problem playing with some nice mesh pads on an e-kit. I just don't feel the need to spend $2k on something that'll be mediocre when I can spend $4k on something that'll work essentially forever and sound infinitely better while doing so.

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How do electronic drums work? I mean, can you just hook them up by MIDI to a drum machine, or do you specifically NEED a dedicated brain, or what?


I'm pondering assembling my own second-hand kit on the cheap, w/ only the triggers I need, and if I could just use a drum machine I already have, that'd be ideal.

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We were using Rolands top-of-the-line drums at church and went back to acoustic drums. No matter what setting you used the drums sounded artifical and had no umpf.



BTW, our PA system uses EAW components and sounds very good. We still couldn't get them to sound right even bringing in hired pros to help us out. We ended up constructing a large sound shield for the acoustic set with acoustic foam around the bottom.

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How about any brain capable of sending a midi out (which is probably all of them) and running it into a beater laptop loaded with EZ drummer?



That's actually not a bad idea. We just picked up an Axiom synth/keyboard and we're thinking about running it off a netbook like an Eee. I wonder if a netbook with an SSD drive (to reduce any latency) might not be a bad idea for that with a USB/MIDI converter attached.


Damnit Rowka.

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That's actually not a bad idea. We just picked up an Axiom synth/keyboard and we're thinking about running it off a netbook like an Eee. I wonder if a netbook with an SSD drive (to reduce any latency) might not be a bad idea for that with a USB/MIDI converter attached.

Damnit Rowka.




That would be sweet. Then we can get you one of those suits with all of the drum pads built in at various point. You'd officially be the dance commander at that point.


I got the Axiom yesterday.

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Yeah, I saw your message about that. I'll get with Maggie and see what she wants to do. I'll install the software onto my notebook for now.


We're gonna have like four netbooks set up on that stage by the time we're done with this {censored}, aren't we?


I remember going to see Nile at a Metal fest show and their guitarist ran from his guitar straight into a laptop and out to the PA. Had a {censored}ing insane guitar tone too, and the guy can play his ass off. I always wondered WTF he was running on there. It looked like he controlled everything with a MIDI pedal, too.

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Cool. I'm not certain that I even have the patience for dealing with the whole synth interface {censored}.


I have no need for a netbook, my tone is 100% analog because I keep it real.



Although, I guess I could get silly with freestyler and a USB/DMX interface to make for some crazy awesome {censored} with a netbook.

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I used to have a Roland TMC-6 Trigger-to-Midi box that we used to convert the pads to work with a (hardware) sampler. It proved to not be the most reliable thing in the world, and often lost its settings, had broken knobs/jacks after about a year, etc. I definitely want something that's reliable, so I need to start looking into trigger-to-MIDI units if I'm gonna go this route I guess.


The SPD-S that I've got only has two trigger inputs, and only four velocity points for each, so I definitely don't want to base it around that.


I actually considered picking up a Roland HD1 and using my own kick pad/pedals, and mounting the SPD-S on one of its arms. I'm still wondering how that would work out for gigging. The HD1 is very limited, but if I could use the SPD-S for three more cymbals, three more toms, and a few different sounding snares, as well as effects, and use the kick pad for a better sounding kick drum... Hmm.

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