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Have you ever given money to a homeless person?


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When the sign reads "Will work for food", I offer them $40 to cut my lawn.

I can cut it myself in a little over an hour... even use my gear. It's easy work, but no takers.

Shoot, I'd cut your lawn for 40 bucks!

What really gets me are the ones who beg for money then get hostile when you say "no":mad:


I was filling the tank on my {censored}ty old Toyota pickup, my wife was in the passenger seat.

Hey man, I ran out of gas up the street and I need to get to...
(I quit listening).

Get your gascan and I'll fill it up, I really don't carry cash any more.

No man, I just need some money for gas

I'll give you gas... just bring your gascan

I just need money for gas

I don't have any money

(starts screaming obscenities and threatens me
and my wife

pulled the nozzle from the tank and the Zippo from my pocket and struck a flame...
Dude, you don't want it to go down like this...

Bum: walks away still running his mouth

Me: wishing I had burned him.


that's awesome.

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There's a homeless bloke down in Northbridge that always sits right by the ATM outside the banks, asking for $2 so he can buy a meal.

Meanwhile he was smoking a pack of durries. So I gave him a museli bar instead.

If you can afford to buy cigarettes, then you can pay for your own meals. :poke:

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Around the corner from my office is a very busy intersection, and it seems like there is always a different person working the median strip morning, lunch, and evening many days a week. I think they have a union and vary their players and positions and pool the take...I swear! Some of the people lately are just too clean cut with nice clothes etc...


A few years ago a reporter followed one of these to his $400,000 home in an upscale neighborhood. When asked, he said it was his job and he reported the income and paid taxes on it. It was way more money than he could make working and took less time. He would dress his kids in rags and take them along for the sympathy buck... True story!


Oh, and I have given in the past, but I've grown rather tight and cynical in my old age. It would have to be a one on one situation and I'd rather buy someone a meal and watch them eat it personally...no cash...

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I ask them what they need money for and then I might buy them that particular item. A few years ago a guy stopped me outside of a Bennigans and said that he needed money for food for him and his kids. I offered to buy him and his kids a meal at Bennigans; needless to say he wasn't interested. Maybe homeless people just don't like Bennigans.

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That being said, I've given money to people before, but after seeing what usually happens to it, and hearing stories like this, I RARELY do anything anymore.



I don't. I used to but my eyes were opened and I won't again. Would I give them food? Sure, my wife and I do this all the time. Never money, you're a fool if you do IMO.

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Never money, you're a fool if you do IMO.

Assuming you're giving it to them thinking it's going to go for food and not drugs/booze.

I know folks who give money fully knowing that's what it's being used for. Their view is that most of these folks aren't "one hot meal and a shower" away from turning it around, so if they can make it easier for the person to ignore the pain, they're willing to do that.

Not what I would do, but they're not being duped or anything.

Btw, anyone a Sports Night fan? :D

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