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Well... my wife is being induced tonight!


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Looks like I'll be meeting my son for the first time, either tonight, or early tomorrow. (Hopefully, depending on how long the induction takes)


It's kind of a surreal feeling. I don't know whether to be nervous, terrified, excited, freaked out, happy, etc....




I think I'm all of the above right now.


And I'm still trying to figure out the most important decision yet:


How long before I stick a bass in his hands? :love:


I'm thinking I'll start him off listening to some Jaco and Wooten. :thu:

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start off with Jamerson kids gotta learn to groove before he learns to wank.


I don't know.... after tonight, I might be starting out with some JAMESON....





I kid, I kid.... (no pun intendid?) :facepalm:


Actually, the pregnancy couldn't have gone much better, all things considered, so I'm trusting that the delivery will be just as good. My wife is considered high risk since she is diabetic, but the doctors have told her numerous times that she's the easiest diabetic pregnancy they've ever seen.


Typically, diabetic pregnancies produce bigger babies (hence her being induced a little early), and my wife isn't very big (5ft even), so there were some inital concerns, but right now, the baby is pretty much the perfect size/weight of what a non-diabetic pregnancy should be.

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well if you're pouring I'm game:)




One of my close friends found out that his wife was pregnant shortly after my wife did, so he brought over a bottle of Jameson for a couple celebratory shots.


Unfortunately, I had some kind of throat infection at the time, and I had been having trouble swallowing food and liquids all week. (I.E., I constantly felt like I had something stuck in my throat, and when I tried to swallow, food would often get stuck half way, or I would choke on liquids)


Let's just say, Pharyngitis and whiskey is a bad combo. Especially when you can't swallow and it gets stuck in your throat.




I tasted pretty good for a second though... :thu:

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Actually, the pregnancy couldn't have gone much better, all things considered, so I'm trusting that the delivery will be just as good. My wife is considered high risk since she is diabetic, but the doctors have told her numerous times that she's the easiest diabetic pregnancy they've ever seen.

Typically, diabetic pregnancies produce bigger babies (hence her being induced a little early), and my wife isn't very big (5ft even), so there were some inital concerns, but right now, the baby is pretty much the perfect size/weight of what a non-diabetic pregnancy should be.




Sounds like she, and you, did everything right!

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Numerous ?

Well, everyone to his own.

Still, I hope delivery goes well.


You'll have to talk to the wife about that one. I think she requested them to prove to my dad that we were having a boy.


He always jokes "You have to be pretty manly to shoot out a boy on the first try... I'll bet it's a girl"




He only says that because he had twin boys on his first try. :D

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Dude, you'll be ultra stoked when it happens. Induced labor kinda freaks out the system though. Be prepared, good luck, and congratulations!


At first I was thinking "awesome.... no surprises, no 3:30AM wake up calls saying 'my water just broke', no false alarms, we just make an appointment, cruise on in, and say "let's DO THIS!". :thu:


But now that I think about it, this could take a while. and we are starting kind of late (getting to hospital around 7pm), so we could be pulling an all nighter.


I'm just praying that we show up, start the induction, bada bing bada baby.

Cruise home the next morning. :p

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I'll be waitin' for the Cubano cigars, mang.


Well, my cuban father-in-law is coming up from FL today, and my wife says he's bringing me something special.... I'm not sure what that means. :D


Could be a cuban, could be a box of premiums from one of the various Miami based companies, could be none of the above.


Though knowing him, stogies are inevitable. :thu:

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But now that I think about it, this could take a while. and we are starting kind of late (getting to hospital around 7pm), so we could be pulling an all nighter.

I'm just praying that we show up, start the induction, bada bing bada baby.

Cruise home the next morning.

My wife was having labor pains in mid afternoon. Took her in at 9pm. The kid didn't get pooped out until 12 noon the next day. You should be prepared for it to take a while. Every baby delivery is different. Oh, and hope you see the water break. My wife and I got a great laugh out of it.

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