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Actually, *most* people would place more significance on something that's currently going on than something that happened hundreds of years ago - not to mention that the crusades and what led up to them weren't entirely one sided, either...

- georgestrings





true but to hold Christians as not a violent group of people is rediculous.


I think someone posted some modern day events that were the result of deranged overzelous christians anyway

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You have to remember that we are bombing countries and occupying them...allot of people in that area of the world think American = Christian. That doesn't make it true now does it?



Quit posting legitimate responses that are based on a worldview! You know Americans are too self absorbed to think about anything other than themselves:mad:

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are you really going to sit there and say Christians have never murdered in the name of their God or their cause??

you need to read some history.

see my reply to the other guy about the crusades

Just because it didnt happen in modern times doesnt make it any less significant...



Yet it makes it a hell of a lot less relevant.


I guess we should condemn all americans because slavery once existed in this country too, right?


Live in the now and stop making excuses for people who don't deserve it.


Like I said, I don't care WHY this piece of {censored} did what he did. I don't care if it was due to his religion, his fear of being deployed, psychological problems, etc.


Doesn't matter.


Our boys come home from serving their country and putting their lives on the line, getting shot at day in and day out. And then get slaughtered HERE? By one of their own officers? On a US Army base?


{censored}ing kill that guy and bring him back to life over and over again until he suffers as much as the families of those that he murdered.


Then hang him. publicly. From what I heard today that is one of the worst ways a muslim can die. Humiliations galore!!

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It's more likely that the guy snapped because of the stresses associated associated with his recent promotions and deployment, but no, it's gotta be because he was a Muslim, and all Muslims are terrorists, right? :facepalm::rolleyes:


The bigotry in this thread is revolting, as are this man's actions.

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It's more likely that the guy snapped because he was recently demoted and deployed, but no, it's gotta be because he was a Muslim, and all Muslims are terrorists, right?

The bigotry in this thread is revolting, as are this man's actions.

I thought he recently got PROMOTED not DEMOTED.

And so far as getting deployed, it's not like he's infantry. He's a shrink for chrissake. Plus, he did sign up for the army so I have no sympathy for him there. Thousands of our guys have gone over there and I really doubt very many REALLY wanted to go get shot at.

But again, I don't care about his reasons or motivation for doing this. Makes no difference to me at all.

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I thought he recently got PROMOTED not DEMOTED.



Whoops, typo.



And so far as getting deployed, it's not like he's infantry. He's a shrink for chrissake. Plus, he did sign up for the army so I have no sympathy for him there. Thousands of our guys have gone over there and I really doubt very many REALLY wanted to go get shot at.



It comes with the territory, to be certain, and if I were in his position, I would be going and coping with the stress, not shooting up my base. But stress affects different people in different ways, and it seems as though he had regrets about being in the military to begin with, so who knows what series of irrational conclusions he came to before deciding to do what he did?


None of this justifies his actions, but associating it purely with religion (and I'm not saying that you are) is poorly-considered at best and ridiculous at worst.



But again, I don't care about his reasons or motivation for doing this. Makes no difference to me at all.



I don't care much either. Whatever his reasons were, they were not the optimal way to resolve whatever issues he was having.

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The difference is the guy who shoots his ass permanently shuts down a mass murderer whereas the mass murderer permanently shuts down

Not a particularly subtle distinction.

Define innocent please. Those in the military are PAID TO KILL OR AID IN THE KILLING OF PEOPLE.

Does this mean I think what he did was right? Hell no. 12(possibly more) families are ruined now. Thats not cool at all. I also think that crucifying this guy for fighting injustice is unconstitutional. This man is innocent until proven guilty by a jury.

And again, this is only on the basis that the RUMORS from the media that it was an act of terrorism. If it was just a crazy guy that went berserk after trying to help other people cope with post-traumatic stress then thats another story.


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Really? Light a man on fire for fighting for freedom. Awesome. Lets light Nathaniel Greene and George Washington on fire too while were at it

Remind me how killing 12 fellow soldiers is "fighting for freedom" again...

Also, I don't remember hearing about Washington going berzerk and murdering a dozen of his own men.

Better put that flame suit back on, bro.

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I spent 26 years in uniform, Guard and Regular Army, and went on five operational deployments. I can count the number of times I've engaged/been engaged on both hands and have a couple fingers left over---and I served in a combat arm (Cavalry).


I think I accomplished a lot more in Bosnia, Kosovo and OIF as a peacekeeper and nation-builder than as a shooter.


My two cents.

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Remind me how killing 12 fellow soldiers is "fighting for freedom" again...

Also, I don't remember hearing about Washington going berzerk and murdering a dozen of his own men.

Better put that flame suit back on, bro.

As of March (didn't bother looking for newer figures) there were 155,000 troops in Muslim Iraq, and 68,000(as of Sept 2009) in Muslim Afghanistan. Obviously those that want the soldiers gone don't have the resources to put up an organized resistance. So in my eyes, I see acts of terrorism as a last ditch effort at freedom. I don't agree with them AT ALL, but putting myself in their place I understand their actions a lot more. This guy lives, eats and breathes with people who kill his figurative brothers and sisters. :idk:

The media has convinced me he is a Muslim extremist. Jordanian Muslims aren't on the same team as American soldiers, so I don't understand the claim that they were "his own men". Also George Washington's heritage was mostly British....so.......:p

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So in my eyes, I see acts of terrorism as a last ditch effort at freedom. I don't agree with them AT ALL, but putting myself in their place I understand their actions a lot more.

This would make sense if the terrorism they see over there was solely a repurcussion of our presence, which it isn't.

This guy lives, eats and breathes with people who kill his figurative brothers and sisters.

The guy was a therapist. He lived, ate, and breathed with people that were more akin to the military equivelant of "The Office".

The media has convinced me he is a Muslim extremist. Jordanian Muslims aren't on the same team as American soldiers, so I don't understand the claim that they were "his own men".

Based on your posts thus far I wouldn't expect you to understand anything military.

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The vast majority of soldiers deployed to Iraq and/or Afghanistan never fire a shot in anger. They work in logistics, medical, transport, humanitarian assistance, etc---in short, everything
combat arms.

Your absolutely right. Some see it as a guilty by association situation though. It reminds me of gang violence. Sometimes the little kid brother thats just tagging along gets shot. Its not right, but in the heat of the moment theres no way to differentiate.


I spent 26 years in uniform, Guard and Regular Army, and went on five operational deployments. I can count the number of times I've engaged/been engaged on both hands and have a couple fingers left over---and I served in a combat arm (Cavalry).

I think I accomplished a lot more in Bosnia, Kosovo and OIF as a peacekeeper and nation-builder than as a shooter.

My two cents.


I can't say much I appreciate your service. I was lucky not to have family deployed but I know the sacrifices you made.


This is what makes me think it was just a guy going nuts. If it was really a planned terrorist attack, they would have gone after Predator pilots or whatever does the most damage these days.


I'm just trying to get some of the anti-Muslim fainboi's to think twice and just be a human being. {censored} happens. And all kinds of people do all kinds of terrible things. :idk:

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Yet it makes it a hell of a lot less relevant.

I guess we should condemn all americans because slavery once existed in this country too, right?

Live in the now and stop making excuses for people who don't deserve it.

Like I said, I don't care WHY this piece of {censored} did what he did. I don't care if it was due to his religion, his fear of being deployed, psychological problems, etc.

Doesn't matter.

Our boys come home from serving their country and putting their lives on the line, getting shot at day in and day out. And then get slaughtered HERE? By one of their own officers? On a US Army base?

{censored}ing kill that guy and bring him back to life over and over again until he suffers as much as the families of those that he murdered.

Then hang him. publicly. From what I heard today that is one of the worst ways a muslim can die. Humiliations galore!!



Dude, I am not defending the giy who did this. I just didnt like that someone said all muslims are terrorists....thats just not true.


I hear reports he lost it because he didnt want to go back overseas (where he came from) and was tired of being called a camel jockey......doubt theres any relevance to that..



I guess we should condemn all americans because slavery once existed in this country too, right?



Actually I blame the English for that. We set them free if memory serves me right....

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This is what makes me think it was just a guy going nuts. If it was really a planned terrorist attack, they would have gone after Predator pilots or whatever does the most damage these days.

I'm just trying to get some of the anti-Muslim fainboi's to think twice and just be a human being. {censored} happens. And all kinds of people all kinds of terrible things.


My gut reaction is Hasan went off the deep end. As Loki pointed out earlier, it's a case of individual responsibility. Nut-cases come in all sizes, shapes, colors etc.


I had Muslims I didn't even know try to kill me in Iraq---I also had others offer me water, tea, rest in the shade of their courtyard, etc.


I saw the best and worst of Christians and Muslims in Bosnia and Kosovo. One day, we're doing our best to keep them from killing each other. The next day, we're all showing off pictures of our kids and wives and bragging about who is prettiest, or the best cook, or the best soccer player, or smartest in school, etc---Serb, Croat, Bosniak, NATO trooper, all proud parents and husbands.


Go figure.

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Jeez, Josh. I didn't want to get involved in this thread, but sometimes I really believe you are delusional.



Angry. I'm angry.


Part of me wishes it was a white Christian dude that did it. At least then nobody would be trying to apologize for the guy or trying to deny what's really going on in the world because they find it uncomfortable.


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Angry. I'm angry.

Part of me wishes it was a white Christian dude that did it. At least then nobody would be trying to apologize for the guy or trying to deny what's really going on in the world because they find it uncomfortable.




At the time of your posts no one had apologized for anything. There is only one person in the whole thread who really took the apologetic stance. The overwhelming majority of people are aphalled at this guy's actions.


What people had problems with is yours and others idiotic ideas that the Muslim faith is any better/worse than any other religion.

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Angry. I'm angry.

Part of me wishes it was a white Christian dude that did it. At least then nobody would be trying to apologize for the guy or trying to deny what's really going on in the world because they find it uncomfortable.




Not really. Sorry you are so angry, but sometimes you really seem to come off as judgmental. I am NOT defending this guy by any means. Christian white guys hack people all the time, murder people, blow up churches, etc. So I don't understand why you are so angry about the whole thing. Not ALL Muslims are bad...It's all so stereotypical and that is what makes ME angry.


It's a very unfortunate situation.

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What people had problems with is yours and others idiotic ideas that the Muslim faith is any better/worse than any other religion.

As long as the imams and mullahs and ayatollahs advocate jihad, push for sharia law, recruit children into madrasas, pay the families of suicide bombers, and advocate honor killings, I'm not going to be convinced that it's not a piece of {censored} religion. Sorry. :idk:

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As long as the imams and mullahs and ayatollahs advocate jihad, push for sharia law, recruit children into madrasas, pay the families of suicide bombers, and advocate honor killings, I'm not going to be convinced that it's not a piece of {censored} religion. Sorry.

They push for that so hard, yet these factions are so small.. Why do you think that is? I'll tell you why; like with any religion, most of the believers are good people who found something they believe in. The fact that a very minute percentage of these believers do bad things is no different than Christianity; today or throughout history.

I'm also not trying to convince you of anything, I'm simply telling you your belief isn't rational and it also isn't backed by facts. Believe what you want though.

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Dude, I am not defending the giy who did this. I just didnt like that someone said all muslims are terrorists....thats just not true.

I hear reports he lost it because he didnt want to go back overseas (where he came from) and was tired of being called a camel jockey......doubt theres any relevance to that..

In my job, I get called every name in the book daily. That doesn't give the excuse to murder innocent people. At all. Think of every racial insult for a white guy, cracker, honky, white mother{censored}er, peckerwood, White devil, etc etc etc. Then I get called ever non-racial name in the book on top of it. I just laugh at the ignorant. I don't kill them.

Actually I blame the English for that. We set them free if memory serves me right....

100 years after the fact........................;)

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In my job, I get called every name in the book daily. That doesn't give the excuse to murder innocent people. At all. Think of every racial insult for a white guy, cracker, honky, white mother{censored}er, peckerwood, White devil, etc etc etc. Then I get called ever non-racial name in the book on top of it. I just laugh at the ignorant. I don't kill them.

100 years after the fact........................

Again, I don't think anyone is defending this man's actions, just sick of the stereotypical response....

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