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Things I'm currently wondering...


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1. How is it that english muffins go from completely untoasted to totally burnt in under 30 seconds?


2. Why is it that anytime a girl says they really want to be your friend, what they really mean is that they are, at best, completely indifferent about ever seeing you again?



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1. How is it that english muffins go from completely untoasted to totally burnt in under 30 seconds?

2. Why is it that anytime a girl says they really want to be your friend, what they really mean is that they are, at best, completely indifferent about ever seeing you again?




Answer is the same for both questions: {censored} happens, don't try to understand it. Just pass me another beer.

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What happens if you get
'Scared half to death'

And...If a cow laughed really hard, would milk come out of her nose?


on the same front, how does one really know if a person was beaten half to death? did they quantify said statement with an experiment? i e: beat them a specific amount and then beat them again the same amount thus killing the subject. or count the number of hits until a person is dead and then only beat the next person half that amount?:confused:


perhaps i over think things:facepalm:

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Why do so few auto makers put blinky turn signal lights on the SIDES of cars? :mad: Is it so I can keep it a secret from the driver beside me that I would really really like to get into their lane if that's OK with them?

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I love toast. Drop a slice of bread in the toaster, depress the lever, and in seconds---hey presto! Toast.

Bread in, toast out. Bob's your uncle.


Ever wonder where the bread went?


There's a simple answer for that, quantum physics and the miracle of life.

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I like this - it's very sci-fi!


You have a lot of nice photos.


Hey thanks :D


I shot that one for a newspaper article about local coffee roasting. The one thing that bothers me is the book in the background. Wish I'd caught it then.

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1. How is it that english muffins go from completely untoasted to totally burnt in under 30 seconds?



Because they are thin. You need to turn down your toaster to light or defrost.




2. Why is it that anytime a girl says they really want to be your friend, what they really mean is that they are, at best, completely indifferent about ever seeing you again?




Because you have no pompadour.

Get a pomp, start photographing girls for your 'pinup' portfolio. Say little while photographing then send them their pictures... the rest should fall into place.

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