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dang. The stingray rules live!

Cliff Fiscal

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yes on all points.


Stingray = really snappy and growly

Millennium = smoother, darker with more tonal options.


Both sound good recorded, but I figure keeping the P or the ProTone would be a good alternative, just in case. I recorded our entire demo with the ProTone. :o

Maybe the P needs to go?

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Thanks, I really enjoy it.


It's super well made. It can approximate the 'Ray tone with the bridge pickup solo'd and the on-board EQ tweaked just right. It can also do the P and J type tones too.

All of the tones sound close, but all sound like the millennium. :love:

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I guess I like a tighter string spacing since the Ray, Millennium and L2500 all are that way.


I'm also realizing that the fatter wider neck phase I was going through....was just that.....a phase.


:( It's too bad since that Warmoth Jazz sounds really freaking good. Whatever Bart pickups and preamp is in there is really nice.

I still like playing it, but the WIDE ass neck fatigues my hand quickly.


I'd love to just sell all the junk off and just focus on a main bass, a backup, another just in case, and a recording bass. :D 4 is a good number. :lol:

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Keep the G&L and the ProTone. The G&L is irreplaceable. It can back up most any other bass and it can create such unique tones that I think you should keep it. and The precision because it is the best bass squier has ever made! and that particular one of yours rocks! you should snap a pic of her for old times sake. :D

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I agree with the ProTone......it's such a nice bass, I'd hate to lose it. The P is nice too......The G&L....:o not so much.....it's a tribute, and they're a readily available. It's a great bass, but........well, nothing........


SON OF A......this is what always happens.....I think about them too much and I end up shutting down. :lol:


Now I don't want to sell any of them. :facepalm:

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