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Maybe there IS hope...


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As most of you know the bass forum is where I started,and indeed,have always considered home. I started lurking,then posting in the Live Sound and Production forum,and through the gleening,and posting I now own a fairly decent P.A. system.Anyway,the live sound forum is almost completely back to it's original (pre-beta) glory! So,my point,and thought for the day is that maybe there IS hope of this forum regaining some of its original glory! Judging by the post count,there is still a long way to go,but... you never know:thu::thu:

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I'll continue to look in every now and then on 1.0 (until it disappears again), but it will be mostly to help answer any questions that new posters have, and then to point them to Musician Central...




This place is basically a ghost town, and I don't really see that changing, since 90% of the original HC 1.0 members have moved on to eBassist and MC.


Again, it was a semi-nice try from the HC admins, but it was far too little, far too late.

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I'd still like to see 2.0 fixed and re-populated, but I don't see much hope.


Coming up on the 1 month mark for the 2.0 second attempt. :blah:



I feel sorry for the people involved who are NOT worthless turds and get stuck with apologizing and trying fix the big stupid mess.

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