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Mesa m2000 as preamp?


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I've been looking at the Mesa m2000 and love the versatility but would love a warmer deeper sound, if I would use this as just the preamp, and then run it through the power section of another amp, say either a ampeg or a custom tube power section in a rack would it help with what I'm looking for? Or any other suggestions?

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Well of course I would just put everything in a rollable rack to make things easier. The reason why is because I would REALLY love to have the option to switch between three channels of different tone without having to use any effects to accomidate for the different styles of music that we play in the same songs

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Does Mesa put out a preamp that's like the M2000? If so, you could just get that and hook it up to whatever power amp you please. Also, RSB's idea of the V12 is also worth a look, those amps are killer.


What you're suggesting is definitely possible, but mighty impractical. If you're down with carrying all that stuff around though, then you are a braver man than I, and I wish you well.

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Does Mesa put out a preamp that's like the M2000? If so, you could just get that and hook it up to whatever power amp you please. Also, RSB's idea of the V12 is also worth a look, those amps are killer.

What you're suggesting is definitely possible, but mighty impractical. If you're down with carrying all that stuff around though, then you are a braver man than I, and I wish you well.


Unfortunately Mesa only put out I think one or two models of their Bass Triaxis preamp; one of which Benjamin Strange has. Never knew why they didn't do more.

However, I know some bassists have and do use the Mesa Quad Pre preamp into like a Strategy 400. Their guitar-focused power amps like the Strategy and Stereo line may not sound that great for bass. Never really tried though.


Simplest answer if you want a more "beefy" tone with options is to go with the V12 though. That was their "replacement" (:cry:) amp for the 400+, and honestly after having one that long I kinda see why they say/said that.

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I'll defidently look into it, also do you know the name of those triaxis preamps? And as far as a power amp the other guy in my band can make guitar amps and such and told me it would be quite easy to make a nice clean tube power amp. Also what is the bane of the quad preamp? But for the main part of the question, I know it would be possible but would a different power amp create a warmer or thinner tone for after the preamp?

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I'll defidently look into it, also do you know the name of those triaxis preamps? And as far as a power amp the other guy in my band can make guitar amps and such and told me it would be quite easy to make a nice clean tube power amp. Also what is the bane of the quad preamp? But for the main part of the question, I know it would be possible but would a different power amp create a warmer or thinner tone for after the preamp?


That's the name- Mesa Triaxis Bass Preamp. But you won't find one, like I said. :) Benjamin has one, and last I heard/read, John Myung of Dream Theater at one point had the other. That type of one-off or prototype will stay out of reach for weekend warriors like us.

The name of the quad is IIRC the Mesa Quad Preamp. There have been some sold on eBay I know, so check completed listings.

Again, I don't know why you'd need or want a "nice clean tube power amp" to run the M2000 into. If you want that tone, just get the V12 and save a boatload of cash. Or if you want crushing all tube power, find a used 400+ and throw some pedals in front or a preamp in the loop. Much better options.

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Also, are there any other multi channel preamps that you could point ne in the way of?



Like, true multi-chan pre's or like a processor? You're gonna have way more luck finding the latter.

There just isn't a big market for that unfortunately in the bass realm as a lot of people are just happy with "a" sound and tweak via EQ or a pedal here or there.

That's what makes the M2000 and V12 pretty cool.

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I'd rather a amp with multiple pre amps or just a actual multi channel preamp as I'm guessing they have a more natural sound than a processor. My frien called me last night and he's selling a aguilar ag500sc with a aguilar 410 cab for 1900 in perfect condition and is even letting me borrow it for the battle of the bands were playing this weekend, I wish it was the two channel but it's not :( but depending on how good the tone is on that amp I may get that for now and just add a few things here and there. Any suggestions? (still thinking about just getting another preamp to put in the rack and just putting a amp switch from both preamps to the power if I can ge something good since that amp is also very light)

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The AG500 is an awesome amp. I had one for about 6 mo's about 2 years ago.

The only issue with even the dual-channel on that is, Channel 2 is pretty much Gain/OD only, much like the Mesa BB750. So it's more like a 1.5 channel amp, and not 2 truly independent preamps like the V12 or 2+blendable w/ the M2000. i would in no way pick the AG500 over the M2K, but test it out anyway.


Also, even if you do find some sort of preamp or processor you like, just because you throw a tube amp behind it, it still may not get "your sound" that you have in your head. What from the m2000 do you not like, if you can explain, besides just a "warmer, deeper sound"? You could get a warmer, deeper sound from a cab swap also and a preamp tube swap.

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It seems sort of brittle sounding, just not as full as I would like, of course I didn't get to try different speakers, but it was on a Mesa powerhouse which I never really liked that much anyways so that may also be a problem. Besides that there's not much really I can complain about, I was able to get awsome sound from each channel, the blend was pretty cool, everything is great on it it just seems a little empty on the low end and brittle on the high, it was almost like a crack kind of tone when I used the g string and that is what threw me away from it. But since then I've played other amps and ampegs give me the full, powerful sound that I want but it was as defined as the Mesa, I would just like to find a way to get the "in between"

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I love the Powerhouse series for some, but not all things.

Currently I have a Berg NV-series 610 which is designed as a better/step-up version of the older sealed SVT 810 cabs, and it's just a beast.

That definitely could be an option. It doesn't come with a horn/tweeter so you don't get that "clank" top end, and can actually dial in some treble without it being brittle or harsh. I would recommend that, or possibly some of the Eden XLT cabs first before swapping out your amp.

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Well I don't have one yet, I'm looking for one but just can't find it at the moment but I've played one before, they seem like a great amp so I may get one since it is one of the best amps to suite my multiple tone needs it seems but just try another cab like you said. They are also extremely cheap if you can find them and meet my price range by a huge margin so it would leave me more room for a really nice cab, a few effects and possibly my dream warwick corvette $$ 6 string soon.

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I think if you spent more time with the M2000 once you actually got it you'd get what you wanted from it. But it's not a first-timer's amp by any means, if you want to utilize all the features anyway. When I had mine it sounded great, but probably not AS great as it could have just b/c I didn't know what I was totally doing at the time so went and swapped for something similar in the M-Pulse 600. But I didn't need the switching/channel/EQ options.

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I'm not by any means a expert or even very experienced, I have messed with many amps before, mostly guitar amps like the Mesa nomad that we use, but I'm always tweaking things to try something different and seeing what I can do with all the tools I have at hand, so at first I may be pretty lost with it but just have a general idea of things but after I have it and can do as I please I'll probly spend large sums of time playing and tinkering with it to learn it. Also if I never really have something like that to use, I'll never learn..

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I'm not by any means a expert or even very experienced, I have messed with many amps before, mostly guitar amps like the Mesa nomad that we use, but I'm always tweaking things to try something different and seeing what I can do with all the tools I have at hand, so at first I may be pretty lost with it but just have a general idea of things but after I have it and can do as I please I'll probly spend large sums of time playing and tinkering with it to learn it. Also if I never really have something like that to use, I'll never learn..


It's actually pretty friendly once you learn your way around on it. You definitely won't run out of options anytime soon! :thu:

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If you want a fatter tone out of the M2000, blend the FET and Tube channels.


It kind of kills the ability to use the high gain channel, but it sounds freaking great.


I typically run my M2000 (and 2x15) with the FET as my clean, and since I'm playing rock.......I blend the FET with the high gain for dirty tones.




treble @ noon

Mid @ 1pm

bass @ 3pm

EQ out

bright ON

low on the bass center switch and the knob at noon

I run 3:1 comp....just barely on. I pretty much set it up where I slam the string to just barely engage the comp.


Hi gain

gain - max'd

treble @ 2pm

mid @ 1pm

bass @ 10pm

graphic EQ ON

upper high end boosted, mids around flat, and bass slightly boosted.


blend at 50% and volumes to taste.


Pretty much do the same with the tube channel but set clean and turn the graphic off.

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