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I am the Thread Killer


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Originally posted by Bonoman

No, you get to abuse me too, I just get to be funnier.biggrin.gif

And vampires do have anuses. Some of them have vaginas as well. Where they have a problem is with penises, because they have no actual blood of their own with which to obtain and maintain an erection.
B-man, I love you, and this just reinforces why.
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Originally posted by el_duderino676

B-man, I love you, and this just reinforces why.
...you're turned on by his discussion of vampire genitals? confused.gif


In the lug department:

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Originally posted by Zamfir
One for Finding Niomo...

I was pretty dumb about computers. Then I learned you could get porn on them. 3 years later I'm a system administrator.

It was less than 3 years for me to become a systems administrator but, yeah, that's about right tongue.gif
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This one says it all.

exciting ;>
yup! I got my kernel down to like 600k though
nice ;>
kernels below 1 mb are for pussies
kernels over 2 mb are for men
It's not how BIG your kernel is, it's how you use it!
sure...thats why girls always laugh at you when you pull out your kernel
Then I set them straight with a good fsck'ing

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Egger: Heres the history of our medicine.
"I have a sore throat."
2000 BC : "eat this root"
1200 AD : "That root is heathen, say this prayer."
1500 AD : "That prayer is superstition, drink this elixir."
1800 AD : "That elixir is snake oil, Take this pill."
1900 AD : "That pill is ineffective, Take this antibiotic."
2000 AD : "That antibiotic is artificial, Here why dont you eat this root."
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Here's one for Bman wink.gif

aspuffnstuff: The third one looks like something they used in Star Wards
aspuffnstuff: *Wars
alykat: lol "star wards"
alykat: an epic about a hospital set in space
alykat: "use the forceps, luke"
volcanogirl: come.. to the bed pan. the bed pan!
aspuffnstuff: OBGYN kenobi!

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We have a function? confused.gif

If there is one, it can probably be found among the following:

1. To vacuum the rest of our OT ramblings out of the rest of the forum
2. To waste mind-boggling amounts of time
3. To get some good chuckles, even laughs
4. To post strange, humorous, or droolable pics
5. To vent
6. To provoke lug into posting "Please do not post my name in the Thread Killer, thank you"
7. To post damn near anything as long as there are token neurons firing. Granted, this one is sometimes a little slack...

Welcome to the TK!

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Originally posted by niomosy
Egger: Heres the history of our medicine.
"I have a sore throat."
2000 BC : "eat this root"
1200 AD : "That root is heathen, say this prayer."
1500 AD : "That prayer is superstition, drink this elixir."
1800 AD : "That elixir is snake oil, Take this pill."
1900 AD : "That pill is ineffective, Take this antibiotic."
2000 AD : "That antibiotic is artificial, Here why dont you eat this root."
Hehehe... icon14.gif
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Originally posted by Bluesman0511

Can someone please enlighten me?

What exactly is the function of the THREADKILLER thread? I wouldn't ask if I could figure it out for myself...
One must not question the meaning of the TK, it is the central nexus of the brotherhood of the forum that without, the world would surely disintigrate into a flaming plie of dust.

Or, it could just be a thread to post meaningless stuff.
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Originally posted by el_duderino676

One must not question the meaning of the TK, it is the central nexus of the brotherhood of the forum that without, the world would surely disintigrate into a flaming plie of dust.

Or, it could just be a thread to post meaningless stuff.
You know...

I was coming to that realization on my own, but my mind refused to accept it.
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Originally posted by Zamfir
If there is one, it can probably be found among the following:

1. To vacuum the rest of our OT ramblings out of the rest of the forum
2. To waste mind-boggling amounts of time
3. To get some good chuckles, even laughs
4. To post strange, humorous, or droolable pics
5. To vent
6. To provoke lug into posting "Please do not post my name in the Thread Killer, thank you"
7. To post damn near anything as long as there are token neurons firing. Granted, this one is sometimes a little slack...

Looks like the list of Seven Deadly Sins. Sounds like a challenge.

1. Well, this one is automatic, so here it is.

2. Looks at watch, whistles, looks at watch again.

3. Ok, so a preacher, a bear, and a banana walk into a bar....

4. ok, how's this for strange?

5. I hate living at home because the rest of my family is comprised of royal cocksuckers.

6. Lug is, and always will be, the Suckmaster of the Universe.

7. Snakes don't scare me. Marsupials do. Because they're fast.

There, will that do?
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