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Page 7, lol



/ Q: How many hardware engineers does it \

| take to change a light bulb? A: None. |

| We'll fix it in software. |

| |

| Q: How many system programmers does it |

| take to change a light bulb? A: None. |

| The application can work around it. |

| |

| Q: How many software engineers does it |

| take to change a light bulb? A: None. |

| We'll document it in the manual. |

| |

| Q: How many tech writers does it take |

| to change a light bulb? A: None. The |

\ user can figure it out. /


\ ^__^

\ (oo)\_______

(__)\ )\/\

||----w |

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Tomorrow is shaping up to be a BAD day. I am either getting demoted and taking a significant pay decrease, or getting laid off. I love it when management "restructures."

Last year we went from a 2 tier system (senior and staff) to a 3 tier system (I II and III) in order to reduce turn over. We had 9 total. New CFO steps in and whispers "we are overstaffed." Someone left, so good, that solves that. Well now this is happening:

1) the 2 people on the same level are most likely getting promoted

2) they, despite the promotion, they are taking the same pay (which is way below average for the position)

3) I am either gone or moved down.

How do I know this? Well my 2 equals have already had meetings with the managers. Last to know, first to go. And plus I talked to the others, one said some things, and that they needed to have a decision by tomorrow.


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Quote Originally Posted by Super_Donut_Man

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Tomorrow is shaping up to be a BAD day. I am either getting demoted and taking a significant pay decrease, or getting laid off. I love it when management "restructures."

Last year we went from a 2 tier system (senior and staff) to a 3 tier system (I II and III) in order to reduce turn over. We had 9 total. New CFO steps in and whispers "we are overstaffed." Someone left, so good, that solves that. Well now this is happening:

1) the 2 people on the same level are most likely getting promoted

2) they, despite the promotion, they are taking the same pay (which is way below average for the position)

3) I am either gone or moved down.

How do I know this? Well my 2 equals have already had meetings with the managers. Last to know, first to go. And plus I talked to the others, one said some things, and that they needed to have a decision by tomorrow.



{censored}... mojo Donut. Good luck, man.
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Quote Originally Posted by Hearafter

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{censored}... mojo Donut. Good luck, man.


*Sigh of relief*

I had a meeting with the manager, someone else is leaving too, which solves a problem. No mojor position changes are forseen, no job cuts are forseen. Work load will increase a little, but thats not a huge deal.

Safe... for now.

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Quote Originally Posted by frunobulax

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you're the man.


No, I just react too quickly when I get condescended to for no good reason. facepalm.gif

On the other hand, when a junior person gets to rebut a very senior person who has no line authority over the former, I suppose it's fun. biggrin.gif

Might cost me reputation in a system that institutionalizes reputation for finding jobs, though. redface.gif

Today was minor, though. We'll see what the future holds, but I'm not convinced this manager wants this team to succeed, given an apparent instinct for putting obstacles in our path so far.

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Quote Originally Posted by Super_Donut_Man

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Condescending attitudes from a manager is a good indication that they are not a good manager, or so I have gathered from my experiences.


Yup. This one was all right when we met socially a month ago. But recent behavior gives me great pause for concern. Fortunately, I almost never run into this one except at monthly meetings of a board I sit on. wink.gif I get a vote, and the manager doesn't...hehe. biggrin.gif But the manager has all the tools necessary to stop us in our tracks, if they choose to... frown.gif
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My mom's family is fighting over the "estate" of my grandma. It's pretty much ripping apart the family (My Mom's sisters and brothers)... {censored}ing lame.

Reminds me of that movie "Greed" except my grandma didn't even have millions of $. They're squabbling over a few grand. frown.gif

Greed should be at least 3 of the 7 deadly sins.

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Quote Originally Posted by Hearafter

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My mom's family is fighting over the "estate" of my grandma. It's pretty much ripping apart the family (My Mom's sisters and brothers)... {censored}ing lame.

Reminds me of that movie "Greed" except my grandma didn't even have millions of $. They're squabbling over a few grand. frown.gif

Greed should be at least 3 of the 7 deadly sins.


When my grandfather died, some of my cousins came, grabbed a {censored} ton of stuff and left.

I had to miss the funeral and everything because of a {censored}ing math test too. If I would have been there, I would have blown my cool.

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Quote Originally Posted by oldivor

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When my grandfather died, some of my cousins came, grabbed a {censored} ton of stuff and left.

I had to miss the funeral and everything because of a {censored}ing math test too. If I would have been there, I would have blown my cool.


I wish I would have had a math test to go to instead.


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Quote Originally Posted by Hearafter

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I wish I would have had a math test to go to instead.



I think it's a good thing I didn't go. Because I would have ripped some people a new one and causes a scene. Honestly, I don't know anymore.

Fighting/being greedy over a relative's stuff once they've passed on is very disrespectful IMO. No respect for the person.

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Mrs. Thumper bought a new sofa for the music room downstairs. We borrowed a neighbor's Mazda pickup (with non-functioning power steering and a five-speed manual slush-box) to pick it up. I hadn't driven a stick in years...facepalm.gif

So we drive for an hour in rush-hour traffic to pick it up.

Me, looking at it: 'Hon, it's not going to fit through the doors...'

Mrs. T: 'Can we try, anyway?'

Me: 'Ah...sure.' facepalm.gif

So another hour drive in rush-hour traffic to get it home. I figure we may as well give it a shot getting it out of the garage and into the house today.

Me, measuring couch and two doorways: 'Hon, there's no way we can get this in the room.'

Mrs Thumper: 'Can we at least try? How about taking the doors off?'

Me: 'Ah...no problem.' facepalm.gif

Two doors off, and the couch still won't fit. facepalm.gif

Mrs. Thumper: 'Sorry, honey. Can we move the old couch back in?'

Me: 'No problem.' facepalm.gif

So Mrs. T goes out shopping and comes home with a six-pack of Widmer Oktoberfest wrapped in a yellow ribbon. thumb.gif

I love my wife. biggrin.gif

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