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I am the Thread Killer


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Okay... So I thought I was having a bad day / week... I knew not to air my dirty laundry on here cause HH would have jumped all on me and called me a {censored} or something...

But the ex is two payments behind on child support, the orthodontist she greed to pay for can't collect from her, and now the kids prep school says she is two months behind on tuition with them... My truck died this morning. On the day that we are having an open house at work with the Governor, Congressman, and all kinds of lessor politicians.

Then coming back from lunch I see something that made my problems feel insignificant... A Porsche off the road in the bushes in pieces, wrapped round a few fence posts. If I had not been on my phone, I would have stopped and taken a picture. Now the guy who {censored}ed up and totaled that little gem of German engineering is having a {censored}tier day than I... Man I feel better about myself already!!! thumb.gif

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Quote Originally Posted by chunky-b

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Okay... So I thought I was having a bad day / week... I knew not to air my dirty laundry on here cause HH would have jumped all on me and called me a {censored} or something...

But the ex is two payments behind on child support, the orthodontist she greed to pay for can't collect from her, and now the kids prep school says she is two months behind on tuition with them... My truck died this morning. On the day that we are having an open house at work with the Governor, Congressman, and all kinds of lessor politicians.

Then coming back from lunch I see something that made my problems feel insignificant... A Porsche off the road in the bushes in pieces, wrapped round a few fence posts. If I had not been on my phone, I would have stopped and taken a picture. Now the guy who {censored}ed up and totaled that little gem of German engineering is having a {censored}tier day than I... Man I feel better about myself already!!! thumb.gif


Wow, that sucks for you, but yeah, sucks a lot for Porche guy too. eek.gif
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Quote Originally Posted by chunky-b

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Okay... So I thought I was having a bad day / week... I knew not to air my dirty laundry on here cause HH would have jumped all on me and called me a {censored} or something...

But the ex is two payments behind on child support, the orthodontist she greed to pay for can't collect from her, and now the kids prep school says she is two months behind on tuition with them... My truck died this morning. On the day that we are having an open house at work with the Governor, Congressman, and all kinds of lessor politicians.

Then coming back from lunch I see something that made my problems feel insignificant... A Porsche off the road in the bushes in pieces, wrapped round a few fence posts. If I had not been on my phone, I would have stopped and taken a picture. Now the guy who {censored}ed up and totaled that little gem of German engineering is having a {censored}tier day than I... Man I feel better about myself already!!! thumb.gif


Misery loves company? confused.gif

Sucks about your day, though. I hope things get better for you.

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yeah, well I'm sucking it in and heading off the forum again. I love dropping by here though and it's always fun when I do, but I don't really have time to sit around right now. a lot going on next year, I'm getting married for starters smile.gif that's in July. till then I should have done my Master Engineer degree from WUT. I'm on Optics in Science and Technology, working on a new system for the measurement of diffractive elements. Got the band of course, which is going better and better. We actually had some people at the last concert. was a small club so the 50 people packed it up nicely and drank all the beer even before we started playing. fortunately the club quickly replenished the supply biggrin.gif and last but not least I started a lacrosse team this year and December was breakthrough month, as about 6-8 new people came and we're on our way to start competing next year with the other two Polish teams smile.gif Oh yeah, and I'm doing a weekend Optician course. It's a two year course after which I'll be able to open up my own practice and make and sell people glasses. Mum's an ophthalmologist so I might have a nice family business in a few years smile.gif

so. till we post again. toodooloo biggrin.gif

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Quote Originally Posted by PiotreX

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I don't know how old you are, but I'll be 24 come wedding time wink.gif


I'll be 35, but my girlfriend/fiancee/whatever will be 28. I was one of those guys who never wanted to get married, but then when I met her, things changed. Some of the older Thread Killer veterans know why. tongue.gif

And the TK will never die!!! It's pretty much the only reason I come to HCBF anymore. I rarely post in any other threads, mostly because I got tired of fighting with people over stupid things that were all a matter of opinion anyhow. TK is just peaceful and nice.

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Quote Originally Posted by Bonoman

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I'll be 35, but my girlfriend/fiancee/whatever will be 28. I was one of those guys who never wanted to get married, but then when I met her, things changed. Some of the older Thread Killer veterans know why. tongue.gif

And the TK will never die!!! It's pretty much the only reason I come to HCBF anymore. I rarely post in any other threads, mostly because I got tired of fighting with people over stupid things that were all a matter of opinion anyhow. TK is just peaceful and nice.


I think I remember you talking about it when you came back about half a year ago. I think we were around the 700th page wink.gif I'm all punmped up right now, finally found a beer worth drinking and since I'm a cheap drinker, I'm a bit woozy after 3/4 of the beer. Staropramen Dark Beer. There. Is. Nothing. Better. At least right now and right here. Lech Pils is also good, but that's only in Poznań. But I'm bound to be there at least a few times next year as Poznań is a major lacrosse competitor, so we'll be playing them for sure. Lots of stuff going on today. We might even find some lacrosse sponsors. On one side I'm surprised, that there's people that want to give us money for equipment, but on the other, lacrosse is much more understandable then american football for the people here. the downs system just doesn't appeal as much as a fluid and fast game.
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