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Quote Originally Posted by Zamfir

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Word. Last week was draining, even with some shortened workdays. I slept 19 hours over Friday and Sat nights just to make up for it...

This week we find out where we're gonna get posted. thumb.gif


The nice thing for me was following up the week of hell with a week off (hence my absence from the forums for a bit wink.gif ). Just went up to NoCal to visit some of the inlaws for a few days, including a first-time visit to Napa. Mmmm. Kobe-style beef hamburgers are good thumb.gifwink.gif Though I suspect it was a rather low grade of American Kobe-style beef at that.

Went to the beach. Had a job interview. Played video games. Nothing fancy. Hitting the beach was nice. I actually got to swim in the water for once. Usually I'm stuck near shore letting Nioette splash around as the water comes in. Good times thumb.gif

Now, back to work. At least we'll be at full force when I get back. I just hope I get a 2nd interview. About 15 miles or so closer to home, casual clothing is okay, I've worked with the person that's the manager, not too bad at all.

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Quote Originally Posted by niomosy

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The nice thing for me was following up the week of hell with a week off (hence my absence from the forums for a bit wink.gif ). Just went up to NoCal to visit some of the inlaws for a few days, including a first-time visit to Napa. Mmmm. Kobe-style beef hamburgers are good thumb.gifwink.gif Though I suspect it was a rather low grade of American Kobe-style beef at that.

Went to the beach. Had a job interview. Played video games. Nothing fancy. Hitting the beach was nice. I actually got to swim in the water for once. Usually I'm stuck near shore letting Nioette splash around as the water comes in. Good times thumb.gif

Now, back to work. At least we'll be at full force when I get back. I just hope I get a 2nd interview. About 15 miles or so closer to home, casual clothing is okay, I've worked with the person that's the manager, not too bad at all.


You'd never been to Napa before? Wow. smile.gif

Who's the interview with? Good luck with it!!

My apt complex in NoVa has kind of a slow wireless connection for WoW. The DSL connection at home in Cville rocks far harder, but I have far less time to play these days. frown.gif

I need a light haircut.

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Quote Originally Posted by frunobulax

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you'll get a haircut when Red tells you to get one!!!!


She actually prefers my hair long because it gets really curly, but I need to see and at least look somewhat professional, so it's getting cut. She understands.smile.gif
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Quote Originally Posted by Bonoman

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I'm getting a haircut this week. My bangs are down to my nose now...



Quote Originally Posted by frunobulax

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you'll get a haircut when Red tells you to get one!!!!


No, can't you read? He's just fessing up that he's always banged chicks with his nose.


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Quote Originally Posted by Super_Donut_Man

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Damn it, I hate haircuts, and my wife says I need one.

Don't give in, fight the system.


Nah, I need to fix the stuff around the ears and the neckline. Besides, they're swearing us in at the end of the week so I gotta look a little more presentable with VIPs in the room.

Personally, I think it should be named the Swearing At ceremony...

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I aims to please, yo!cool.gif

Hey, in all that time I was gone, did da_witch ever pop in here? I haven't spoken to that chick in years... Remember those good old days, fruno, when it was basically just you, me, Witchy, and BMAL who were keeping this thread alive? Good times... This thread is an institution!thumb.gif

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Quote Originally Posted by frunobulax

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don't forget Mel, Z, and T-40.

Wendy turned up over at that 'other place' recently.


Alan deleted my profiles from there for some reason and I haven't bothered to re-make them. Maybe I should...


I still talk to Mel a lot on Facebook. I'm actually in the middle of a Scrabble game with her right now. And I could never forget Z! He's like the tower-guard who keeps us all alive! And as for T-40... He's my dad.

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Quote Originally Posted by hawkhuff

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Now, why would think that to be true.

Careful, you're beginning to scare me. freak.gif


One of the 'ladies' I work with is from Northern Ontario (see: more rural than anything you've ever seen), and she spent a year in England and is a self-proclaimed monarchist who has adopted a Madonna-type faux English accent. She claims that Bono is a terrorist because he's Irish and has been seen meeting with the IRA. I tried explaining that he brought the IRA and the government together into talks back in the 90's, but she'd hear none of it. She figures that if he's associating with them then he must support them. Mind you, she has no idea that I'm a U2 fan, so she wasn't saying this just to bait me - she truly believes this! Never mind his aid for Africa or all the charity-work the guy has done on his own time apart from the band; he met with Gerry Adams, therefore he supports terrorism against the crown.eek.giffreak.gif
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Quote Originally Posted by Bonoman

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One of the 'ladies' I work with is from Northern Ontario (see: more rural than anything you've ever seen), and she spent a year in England and is a self-proclaimed monarchist who has adopted a Madonna-type faux English accent. She claims that Bono is a terrorist because he's Irish and has been seen meeting with the IRA. I tried explaining that he brought the IRA and the government together into talks back in the 90's, but she'd hear none of it. She figures that if he's associating with them then he must support them. Mind you, she has no idea that I'm a U2 fan, so she wasn't saying this just to bait me - she truly believes this! Never mind his aid for Africa or all the charity-work the guy has done on his own time apart from the band; he met with Gerry Adams, therefore he supports terrorism against the crown.eek.giffreak.gif


I see.

In my opinion anyone who is a monarchist is a complete idiot. What is it with the monarchy of any country that people find so alluring? I don't get it.

I see the royal family of the UK as nothing more than rich welfare recipients.

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Quote Originally Posted by Bonoman

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Alan deleted my profiles from there for some reason and I haven't bothered to re-make them. Maybe I should...


I still talk to Mel a lot on Facebook. I'm actually in the middle of a Scrabble game with her right now. And I could never forget Z! He's like the tower-guard who keeps us all alive! And as for T-40... He's my dad.


There was actually a database loss a while back when you were gone. We all got wiped and had to recreate our accounts freak.gif
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Quote Originally Posted by hawkhuff

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I see.

In my opinion anyone who is a monarchist is a complete idiot. What is it with the monarchy of any country that people find so alluring? I don't get it.

I see the royal family of the UK as nothing more than rich welfare recipients.


Monarchy's a bit of a bitch. You might get lucky and your ruler's great, does wonderful things, etc. etc. Chances are, you'll get an asshole that was born into power and couldn't give a damn about anything other than protecting, and probably, hording what's his/hers.
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Quote Originally Posted by Zamfir

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You'd never been to Napa before? Wow. smile.gif

Who's the interview with? Good luck with it!!

My apt complex in NoVa has kind of a slow wireless connection for WoW. The DSL connection at home in Cville rocks far harder, but I have far less time to play these days. frown.gif

I need a light haircut.


Yeah, never had been to Napa. It's a funny thing. We're usually so crammed with things to do when we head up north (usually only for the weekend, maybe a 3-day weekend) since my wife's got family and friends up there that Napa mysteriously doesn't even enter into my mind a lot of the time. I've tried to get up there when we go a few times now. First, the trip was just wiped entirely. 2nd time, we end up wasting the day eating a dragged out breakfast, then waiting for her dad to get back only to realize it was a complete waste of time. I managed to hit Paso Robles since it's on the way home. Got one whole winery in before everything shut down for the day. 3rd was a charm. A whole two wineries, good ones, though wink.gif

Interview is with Warner Music Group. I'm hopeful wink.gif The first went well, but it sounds like I'm waiting until next week for an answer on whether or not I make round two.

WoW, heh. I took somewhat of a break from it. I was only playing when a friend was on, since it was a time when we'd hang out and chat on Skype while playing. I'd jump over to other games when he logged off. We switched over to another server, this time as Alliance on a pvp server. So far, it's pretty fun. Playing a Night Elf Druid. Plus, they announced another expansion. Should be interesting.

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Quote Originally Posted by niomosy

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There was actually a database loss a while back when you were gone. We all got wiped and had to recreate our accounts freak.gif


Ah, that would explain it. I think I'll re-register when I get a second. The new job is kind of a bitch in that it's keeping me a little bit too busy. I'm sure that'll settle down when I get used to it, though.

What department with Warner Music? I used to be close to one of their marketing VPs (in Canada) when I was growing up, but maybe she'd be willing to throw in a word for you if I asked? Doesn't hurt to try, right?

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