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I am the Thread Killer


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I'm playing poker tonight. I can't wait. I've won the last five weeks in a row, so I'll probably lose tonight because it has to happen sometime, but if I beat my friend Myles again I'm pretty sure he'll jump out the window and I'd kinda like to see that so wish me luck. He's only a guitar player anyhow so it's not like it would be a huge loss...biggrin.gif

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Originally posted by Bonoman

I only work 1/2 days on Friday.biggrin.gif


Damn you! mad.gif

I need to find a place like that!

My friend works from home 24/7. I think I'd go nuts doing that. I'd end up getting one of those wireless broadband cards for my laptop and work from the beach or a cafe or something as I'd probably go crazy at home.

That or end up playing video games half the day tongue.gif

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Originally posted by niomosy

So you'll put ketchup on a hot dog but you won't try cilantro pesto? rolleyes.gif


No, because cilantro DOES NOT BELONG ON PASTA. mad.gif

Unless you've cooked up some weird Californian salsa concoction to go with your linguine. rolleyes.giftongue.gif

bringtherock - i almost never watch football, but I caught most of the last half last night. I was happy for my man Heath Miller, but I admit he was out of bounds at the 1 or 2 yard line. wink.gif

My only question is where the Dolphins' coach learned to throw like a pansy, and what he thinks he's teaching his team. biggrin.gif Oh that's right, weak throws for interceptions... biggrin.gifbiggrin.gif

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Originally posted by Bonoman

I'm playing poker tonight. I can't wait. I've won the last five weeks in a row, so I'll probably lose tonight because it has to happen sometime, but if I beat my friend Myles again I'm pretty sure he'll jump out the window and I'd kinda like to see that so wish me luck. He's only a guitar player anyhow so it's not like it would be a huge loss...biggrin.gif


...you play strip poker with guitar players? freak.gif

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Originally posted by niomosy

What? It's just another name for coriander and I recall that being used in pasta tongue.gif


Senator Quayle, I know coriander. I've cooked with coriander. And I'm very sure that neither salsa nor cilantro qualifies as coriander...

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