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Bass through PA only


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How many of you run the bass through the PA only?


I tried it at an outdoor farm party last week with my new band. Seemed to work fine, and the crowd complimented our sound.


I have a big enough PA (1400W on tops and 1800W on subs) to do this for most bar gigs up to maybe 300 people. We have two monitor mixes, one for the drummer and one for the bass player and guitar player. It was a clean sound.


It seems most bass rigs are big enough to carry most shows without the PA.



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Works fine. If the room is big enough you can still bring along the bass rig and it can be the stage monitor for bass if your wedges can't handle the extra volume a large stage might need.


Next you might discover that the guitar sounds pretty damned good run into a really small stage amp and then DI'd and mic'd.....think 22w or less.....

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Hi Craig! How are ya?


My Guitar amp is a Peavey 112 transtube. 65W SS. Nice and light to carry...sits on an ultrastand on stage.


I also use a Digitech GNX2 multi-processer. That is direct to the PA with a DI out into the Peavey 112. Gives a good sound for almost all bar patrons (except tube amp guitar players)...low stage volume.


Also, I use a Roland GR33 guitar synth. It has some nice sounds like the organ, piano, flute, sax, ect. It does have some cheesy sounds. Sure a real keyboard player will blow it away, but the dynamic it adds is great for our little bar band.

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