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E-mail woes...suggestions appreciated!

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Basically, the lady who maintains my (and a few other acts) email/snailmail lists has run across a problem...the ISP she uses only allows her to send out X amount (I think 50) of any given message every 24 hours (an anti-spam measure, I presume), so she has to take 4 days just to mail out my (and a few other acts) "local" emailings (I don't send out emails of my local gigs to folks in other states or if they live over 100 miles from the Metromess, unless they specifically request I do so, obviously.)


Anyway, those of you with extensive email lists, how do you handle your emailings all at once?


Many, many thanks in advance!:)

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***Scratching head*** Maybe call the ISP's customer support line to confirm whatever limit they have and see if they can set you up with some kind of account for legitimate business mailings.


I probably have more than 50 addresses on my email list and haven't run into a problem like this, so maybe another option is to switch ISPs?

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I send mine through AOL and had trouble for our gig email this week. I shaved a couple names off the list and it worked. I will need to investigate but I THINK I will be able to just split up the list and do 2 emails. I'll try it next week.


As for blind CCing, forgive me if I'm stating the obvious but I strongly suggest that method for anyone who isn't already doing it that way.

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Blind CC won't work for that. I ran into a similar problem a while back. I'd suggest either sending them out in intervals, or sending them out through separate servers (ie: AOL, Yahoo, Hotmail, etc). LIke 100 from one, then switch to the next and so on.

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Originally posted by Lee Flier

Well I do that sort of thing for a living so... I have a MySQL database on our web site and wrote a PHP script for people to be able to sign up for the mailing list, which then gets stored in the database and another PHP script actually sends the emails out.


OK, will pass that on!


Thanks! :)

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