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Drummer too drunk to play=Nightmare gig


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Well, our irresponsible lazy drummer finally out did himself Saturday night at one our gigs; too drunk to play our set:mad:


Here's the deal: We were playing with 2 other bands and an acousic solo act at a original bar about an hour and a half away from us. We rented a van to bring all the equipment and some people with us. Alot of trouble went into planning this thing, mostly by myself.


It was a nightmare from the start. We rush to get there and the show starts an hour late. No one, mind you is running this show and the booking agent just has someone collecting $$ at the door. The first guy does his acoustic thing (Horribly) for over an hour (supposed to be 45 min sets). He finally gets off the stage from his open mike night free-for-all and the next band goes on.


They were good and stayed within their alotted time. My drummer is quite drunk by the time they end. The next band goes on and plays over their time as well, clears the place out because they were bad, AND the drummer does a 10 minute drum solo after their set!!!


By the time we got up there after 12am (we were told 11 pm) we were all pretty pissed and drunk and no one was left except 3 people besides who we brought . At least the bassist and I could still play but the drummer couldn't even stand! He barely set up his kit after knocking everything over and almost destroying my equipment from throwing cymbal stands.


We start the first song and he is a mess. Speeding up, slowing down, missing beats: just bad. We yell at him and start the next song and he can't even keep a beat by now. We try to push through the intro and he loses a stick and stops. I turn around, look at him sitting there looking pathetic and tell everybody we are finished and apologize. {censored}ing great.


To me this is unacceptable and I am ready to give him the boot. He is the biggest {censored}-up I have ever met and I can't babysit anymore. He drinks too much, can't keep a job, never has money for the band and is just an idiot.

Problem is we have been through so many damn drummers and they are hard to find.


Would you guys give him another chance if he promises to straighten out? Or do we need to start from scratch again?



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Originally posted by DonaldDemon

Well, our irresponsible lazy drummer finally out did himself Saturday night at one our gigs; too drunk to play our set:mad:

Here's the deal: We were playing with 2 other bands and an acousic solo act at a original bar about an hour and a half away from us. We rented a van to bring all the equipment and some people with us. Alot of trouble went into planning this thing, mostly by myself.

It was a nightmare from the start. We rush to get there and the show starts an hour late. No one, mind you is running this show and the booking agent just has someone collecting $$ at the door. The first guy does his acoustic thing (Horribly) for over an hour (supposed to be 45 min sets). He finally gets off the stage from his open mike night free-for-all and the next band goes on.

They were good and stayed within their alotted time. My drummer is quite drunk by the time they end. The next band goes on and plays over their time as well, clears the place out because they were bad, AND the drummer does a 10 minute drum solo after their set!!!

By the time we got up there after 12am (we were told 11 pm) we were all pretty pissed and drunk and no one was left except 3 people besides who we brought . At least the bassist and I could still play but the drummer couldn't even stand! He barely set up his kit after knocking everything over and almost destroying my equipment from throwing cymbal stands.

We start the first song and he is a mess. Speeding up, slowing down, missing beats: just bad. We yell at him and start the next song and he can't even keep a beat by now. We try to push through the intro and he loses a stick and stops. I turn around, look at him sitting there looking pathetic and tell everybody we are finished and apologize. {censored}ing great.

To me this is unacceptable and I am ready to give him the boot. He is the biggest {censored}-up I have ever met and I can't babysit anymore. He drinks too much, can't keep a job, never has money for the band and is just an idiot.

Problem is we have been through so many damn drummers and they are hard to find.

Would you guys give him another chance if he promises to straighten out? Or do we need to start from scratch again?





Nope he would be history ,,,,, If you are really serious about music,, you will just put in a " we play and practice completely sober policy" What they do on their own time is their own business. If a band member cant commit to that ,, you dont need them. You have to treat music as a job ,,,, not many jobs let you drink while at work ....its your call ,, but thats pretty well the bottom line. You have to just tell people ,,, you either wanna drink or you wanna work . rat

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Well, you did say "we were all pissed and drunk" And there were only 3 people there. If the guy is this way at every show and you have other issues with him, I'd either talk to him or boot him. Thing is, if you all party before and durring a gig, it will be someone elses turn at some point to be the {censored}ed up one. I've been "the one" before but I knew it and appologized to the other guys , and try not to let it happen again. I drink alot , but not until the third set usually. And thats not good sometimes!! Wasted drummers stick out like sore thumbs... just because of the instrument. But they, of all the members carry a responsibility for the entire band. I wouldn't tolerate a wasted drummer all the time but if you all drink, someone else is next! :freak::D

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Yeah we all drink, but we know when to say when! If I feel sick or woozy and like I won't be able to perform then I stop! Its a matter of self control and he has none. We drink at practice as well sometimes but we don't get smashed. There are times when we just want to "jam" and we will get lit up but not at a show!


Good thing there was nobody left to hear us but all it takes is a few people to say "oh that band? they were horrible!". If he was arespocsible person I would excuse thic once but he really is a train wreck and I'm surprised this is the first time this happened in 2 years.


We are practing tomorrow and will have the 'talk' with him. It is my responsibility to fire him because my bassist fired the last one:freak: . Is there such thing as a responsible, dedicated drummer out there? We have yet to meet one.

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Buh bye.



Seriously, this happened to me at a blues festival in 1992. We headlined one bar (it was a multiple club venue in a small city) and a bunch of peolle were waiting for us to play. We didn't go on until 9 pm, but I wanted to get there at 2 to see some of the other bands. And what do i see when I get there? My drummer, already half in the bag, carrying 2 16 ounce cups of beer for himself. I told him he better slow down, he assuerd me he'd be fine by showtime, and that he was going to go to a trailer and take a nap at about 4. Long story short, the nap never happened, the drinking contiued all day, and by showtime he was a wreck, going off into jams in the middle of songs where he would just stop playing drums and start tinking around on the cymbals. We cleared the room in 4 songs, and quit after 6 (we were supposed to play an hour and a half). He got halfway done tearing his drums down and passed out. We left him there, laying on the stage with his drums, and fired him the next day. He begged and pleaded for another chance, but I told him another chance would mean another chance for him to leave me standing there holding my dick, and that just wasn't going to happen. I expect professionalism and reliability from my players. If they don't have it, they're gone.

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Originally posted by DonaldDemon

Yeah we all drink, but we know when to say when! If I feel sick or woozy and like I won't be able to perform then I stop! Its a matter of self control and he has none. We drink at practice as well sometimes but we don't get smashed. There are times when we just want to "jam" and we will get lit up but not at a show!

Good thing there was nobody left to hear us but all it takes is a few people to say "oh that band? they were horrible!". If he was arespocsible person I would excuse thic once but he really is a train wreck and I'm surprised this is the first time this happened in 2 years.

We are practing tomorrow and will have the 'talk' with him. It is my responsibility to fire him because my bassist fired the last one:freak: . Is there such thing as a responsible, dedicated drummer out there? We have yet to meet one.



I had to impose a rule in my band-no drinking at rehearsal, and no drinking before the gig, one beer per set and one during a break. Fortunately, the line up I ended up with were all mature and seasoned players with no tendencies toward alcoholism whatsoever. But I don't drink at all, and I made it clear that the first time my band (and my name, which was on the band)suffered because of someone else's substance abuse, they were gone. I treat music as a business-it's party time for the crowd, but party thime doesn't start for the band until after the gig. I can't think of any other jobs I got paid to do where drinking was part of it. The bands who treat gigs as party time are the ones who never seem to last.

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Originally posted by BlueStrat

I had to impose a rule in my band-no drinking at rehearsal, and no drinking before the gig, one beer per set and one during a break. Fortunately, the line up I ended up with were all mature and seasoned players with no tendencies toward alcoholism whatsoever. But I don't drink at all, and I made it clear that the first time my band (and my name, which was on the band)suffered because of someone else's substance abuse, they were gone. I treat music as a business-it's party time for the crowd, but party thime doesn't start for the band until after the gig. I can't think of any other jobs I got paid to do where drinking was part of it. The bands who treat gigs as party time are the ones who never seem to last.



That makes sense if you are a cover band getting paid decent money to play. As an original artist, if I made a rule like that around here I'd never have a band! Its part of rock and roll if you ask me, but it doesn't mean that you have to degrade the whole band with your own stupidity. We're no friggin saints but we know when we've had enough.


Again, it all relates to how serious you are about the music. My drummer is basically a guitarist who decided to pick up drums and now he plays in our band. To the bassist and I this is our livelihood, to him its just a party.

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I've always been in "drinking bands". Guys that love their beer, etc. The key is to manage that. If you're going on last, well... don't drink until the band right before you is going on. That way you can get your 2 beers or whatever "in you" and you won't be gone.


How old are you guys?


I hate to sound like a boring old fart but it's pretty lame to be drunk for a set. After. Always after.

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Originally posted by DonaldDemon

That makes sense if you are a cover band getting paid decent money to play. As an original artist, if I made a rule like that around here I'd never have a band! Its part of rock and roll if you ask me, but it doesn't mean that you have to degrade the whole band with your own stupidity. We're no friggin saints but we know when we've had enough.

Again, it all relates to how serious you are about the music. My drummer is basically a guitarist who decided to pick up drums and now he plays in our band. To the bassist and I this is our livelihood, to him its just a party.



I am an original artist, and the shows I often do are festival and concert stages where I do almost all my own songs for 90 minutes to two hours. When I do them, they pay me between 1000 and 2000 dollars, depending on the show and where I am in the lineup. And because of that, my guys have to be especially sharp. If I were merely doing bars, I'd still want it to be great, but it's not as critical as when you're playing for a crowd that has paid 25-50 bucks a ticket to see a show. My philosophy is that to get to that point, you have to prove you're ready for it. Most bar bands won't ever get out of bars because they act like bar bands, whether they're cover bands or original. Not saying they should never drink, I'm saying that a lot of them can't handle it when they do, or play as well as they could, even though they may think otherwise.

My challenge to bands is this: record your band on a normal night of partying. Then record your band when everyone's sober. When I did this, the results were pretty clear. Maybe they're different for other bands, but the recordings I made is what led to the policy I have for mine. Whatever works.

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Originally posted by Lee Knight

I've always been in "drinking bands". Guys that love their beer, etc. The key is to manage that. If you're going on last, well... don't drink until the band right before you is going on. That way you can get your 2 beers or whatever "in you" and you won't be gone.

How old are you guys?

I hate to sound like a boring old fart but it's pretty lame to be drunk for a set.
. Always after.



I am 27 soon to be 28, bassist is 28 soon to be 29, and drunk drummer is 22 soon to be 23. The youngest is the most irresponsible consequently.

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I'm trying to think of a 'job' that compares: being able to perform buzzed.


Building trades? Hmmmm, would I want on be on a roof, or around heavy or powered equipment with a buzzed crew?


Service? "I got yer water heater and furnace hooked up. Ain't perfect, but close enough for rock & roll"!


Professional? "The loan officer can't see you right now, he's puking".




I'm having a hard time here.

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Bluestrat, you made some good points and I have seen many bar bands just butcher songs beause they are drunk. I have heardus sober and drunk and I would have to say the shows where we buzzed had much more energy and were more interesting, though sloppy at times. Its a trade off until it just becomes sloppy and nothing more. We didn't even get paid for this show so it is not as critical. We should have packed up after the first acoustic act ended 2 hours after the show was supposed to start.

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Originally posted by DonaldDemon

Bluestrat, you made some good points and I have seen many bar bands just butcher songs beause they are drunk. I have heardus sober and drunk and I would have to say the shows where we buzzed had much more energy and were more interesting, though sloppy at times. Its a trade off until it just becomes sloppy and nothing more. We didn't even get paid for this show so it is not as critical. We should have packed up after the first acoustic act ended 2 hours after the show was supposed to start.



well, don't misunderstand. My guys can go ape{censored} and get absolutely toilethugging drunk after the gig (though rare, I've seen 'em do it) but not during. I'm just a big fan of acting like you're already where you want to be next.

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Originally posted by rangerkarlos

I'm trying to think of a 'job' that compares: being able to perform buzzed.

Building trades? Hmmmm, would I want on be on a roof, or around heavy or powered equipment with a buzzed crew?

Service? "I got yer water heater and furnace hooked up. Ain't perfect, but close enough for rock & roll"!

Professional? "The loan officer can't see you right now, he's puking".

I'm having a hard time here.



Pro bowling? :D

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Originally posted by rangerkarlos

I'm trying to think of a 'job' that compares: being able to perform buzzed.

Building trades? Hmmmm, would I want on be on a roof, or around heavy or powered equipment with a buzzed crew?

Service? "I got yer water heater and furnace hooked up. Ain't perfect, but close enough for rock & roll"!

Professional? "The loan officer can't see you right now, he's puking".

I'm having a hard time here.



Wine Taster?

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Originally posted by BlueStrat

well, don't misunderstand. My guys can go ape{censored} and get absolutely toilethugging drunk after the gig (though rare, I've seen 'em do it) but not during. I'm just a big fan of acting like you're already where you want to be next.



I hear ya. I guess its time to find somebody that feels the same way. Its always tough when they were friends before the band. I hate these positions.

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Would you guys give him another chance if he promises to straighten out? Or do we need to start from scratch again?


Sounds like he needs more than a chance at straightening out. He may be an alcoholic and that is not an easy thing to overcome especially in a line of work where alcohol is always available.


When someone tosses back so much booze that they cannot even perform shows a real lack of commitment and lack of respect for the rest of the band members.


Good luck on your quest to find a new drummer. It may turn out to be a great decision and you may find just the right person to work with.:)

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Originally posted by RockGirl

Sounds like he needs more than a chance at straightening out. He may be an alcoholic and that is not an easy thing to overcome especially in a line of work where alcohol is always available.

When someone tosses back so much booze that they cannot even perform shows a real lack of commitment and lack of respect for the rest of the band members.

Good luck on your quest to find a new drummer. It may turn out to be a great decision and you may find just the right person to work with.


Thanks! He has alot of problems along with drinking. It would be nice to find someone more focused and dedicated. I have had nothing but bad luck with drummers, no wonder why they get such a bad wrap!

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When my band at the time were all in our late teens, we were popular in our area and decided to rent a old theater and put on a show. The show sells well. We getting ready to go on and I swear to you we can't find our...





...drummer. When we finally find him he keeps repeating the line, "ah had too mush 'quila." We get up there in front of 300 people and he still keeps repeating the line. In the mic.:freak: We barely make it trough our set. He's laughing insanely and repeating that line. I have no idea how he even managed to keep a beat. He barely did.


That guy, has not had a drink since that night. He's 49 now and still a good friend. Pretty impressive, not that night though.

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Originally posted by Lee Knight

When my band at the time were all in our late teens, we were popular in our area and decided to rent a old theater and put on a show. The show sells well. We getting ready to go on and I swear to you we can't find our...

...drummer. When we finally find him he keeps repeating the line, "ah had too mush 'quila." We get up there in front of 300 people and he still keeps repeating the line. In the mic.
We barely make it trough our set. He's laughing insanely and repeating that line. I have no idea how he even managed to keep a beat. He barely did.

That guy, has not had a drink since that night. He's 49 now and still a good friend. Pretty impressive, not that night though.


Good for him. That doesn't happen that often. He must have really held the rest of you in high regard and been ashamed of himself to make a commitment like that.:thu:

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