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How do you handle drunks who want to sit in with the band?


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This thread should get an award. Funny stuff!!! (Although I'm sure it wasn't funny at the time.)


I haven't really seen this happen. The closest thing I have witnessed is at a friend's show...and this is almost as annoying to me as I imagine these other situations are to ya'll...the one drunk guy who dances around by himself and gets in everyone's face and so on...at my friend Scott's gig this old fool kept coming up to talk to him WHILE HE WAS PLAYING...:rolleyes::mad: I don't think he was asking to sit in, he just wanted to shoot the {censored} apparently. Jeez...


I personally have asked a friend if my husband could sing one with his band (the day BEFORE the gig), but they are good friends and my husband does dead-on imitations of Ozzy, Gene Simmons, Rob Halford, James Hetfield, and others I can't remember at the moment. I asked him this after they had let another mutual friend sing Danzig's "Mother" at a previous gig. Unfortunately we ended up being too tired to go out that night...:( I can't imagine just asking someone I didn't know if I or someone else could sit in with them, drunk or not!


Er, I'm not sure what my point was there, but I THINK I had one...oh well :D


Great posts guys, I enjoyed reading them. ;)

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Every now and then at a bar I'll ask to sit in for 1 or 2 but only with people I know. The one time I did it with a band I didn't know, the drummer pulled me aside at the end of the night and hooked me up with a band needing a singer.



We used to play this one gig where the bar manager used to sit in with us (he sucked but he booked us so what can you do).

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I had a guy come up and play on my rig and I did not know it was happening at first. My keyboard rig is set up in a L shape and he was playiing on the 88 key behind me. I did not here it at first. The kid was drinking and being a dick. We were playing on one of those trailers that open to a stage. This was a massive festival. When I threw the kid off the stage he tripped on the cable for the snake. It was laying on the side door right before the 4 steps down to the ground. When I threw him down the stairs he cut himself bad. I felt bad about it. There was a cop that was behind the trailer had the street blocked off with a partrol car. The kid got arrested. I felt bad he hurt himself but people should also not {censored} with your gear.

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Originally posted by BlueStrat

I like to say "Oh, you want to (play/ sing)? Sure. All you gotta do is get a band together, buy 10 grand in gear, get a rehersal space, learn about 40 songs, book some gigs and you can (play/sing) all you want. That's what I had to do, and I didn't do it to furnish a backup band for you."

Of course, if I know the guy, that's different, but drunk strangers? Nope.


:thu: :thu: :thu: :thu:


perfect answer

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At our last gig, as we were setting up a drunk guy pretty much told my drummer he was going to play his drums when he was finished. My drummer was kinda taken back so I told the guy that it's a band policy that nobody plays our instruments. He gets all bent out of shape which puts me in a great spot, a brand new club and we're already pissing off the regulars.

Finally I just went up to the guy and said.....' Look man, I don't know you from Adam, I don't know if you can play or if your just crazy and wanna smash up the drums,..... we get this at every gig and this is the way we have to do it, nothing personal '.......

And he was my best friend after that....

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Originally posted by Brian Krashpad

Fortunately I think this happens very infrequently with punk bands, unless they invite someone onstage to sing along. Anybody who's seen the video of the Pistols in Texas knows why.




that was one of the most beautiful videos I have ever seen:thu:

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Originally posted by cavemanic

that was one of the most beautiful videos I have ever seen:thu:



i'd really like to see said video. link?


as for myself, i've never played a bar or cover songs, so i can't say i have experience. but if anybody, drunk or sober, tried to play my {censored}, i'd bring the body of my guitar down on their vertebrae so quickly that they wouldn't understand what just happened.

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