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no one showing up!


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Hello everyone. I've been a'lurkin',but now I am puzzled.


Why do people answer ads for auditions,and then either


no show,or call like 2 hrs. before the aud. and give me


some lameass excuse about why they can't make it.


We are currently looking for a lead guitar player.

Our old had serious timing issues.



I had one guy(today)call me at 3:45pm.


He was supposed to audition at 5. This is his deal...


"Hey I finally deceided(just now?),to forego the


physical therapy and get these herniated disks in my back


operated on,so since you guys are looking to gig out


in late december or jan. I can't do it."


I'm like?????????????



Some of the players were intimidated by the songs.

We play magic man by heart(we have a female vocalist)

and the lead is pretty toasty....


So now I'm wondering whether I should just put


the easiest songs we play on the audition list??????


And,of course,everytime someone cancels,the bass

player gets agravated,fustrated.



I put up good ads,and have gotten descent responce,


but as I said,no one has followed through.


I mean is this normal?


Right now,I am covering all the guitar parts,singing,

and trying to get players for auditions.


I am a rythm player by trade,I can play lead,

but I'm not used to,and frankly don't like,being


the only guitarist.


Just wondering if you guys also have had problems

w/players not showing up,or calling and cancelling at

the last moment.


It is fustrating.


Thoughts?Something I'm not doing,or saying?


Or is this just a bad run????



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Unfortunately, it's really not that uncommon.


I think the lamest one yet was we had a guy supposed to come play with us and he literally pulled off the road when he was on the way over, and called from a pay phone to cancel (he didn't have a cell phone). It was the day after 9/11, and he said he was just too freaked out to do anything but sit home and watch the news. Well, OK, but you'd think he would've figured that out at least like, that morning or something. :rolleyes: But he actually got in his car and started off and then changed his mind and turned around. That just cracked me up. :D


Anyhow I doubt you're doing anything wrong, there are just a lot of flakes out there. Keep trying, luckily all it takes is one.

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well,also since this has happened a few times,

our bass player(he a good player)declares"If we do'nt

get anyone by next week I gotta find something else".


So I'm like,"I guess me and the drummer will have to find

a new bassplayer"

I could'nt belive I had the nutolos to say it.....


But the bass player calmed down and said he was



Problem here is his girl sings in the band(I know)

and if split,we'd be losing two people.


Anyway,this really sucks.


I'm at a loss to explain it,but like you said

there are a lot of flakes out there.....


How do I keep everyone happy while we wait to

bring a lead player on.


Hell at this rate I will end up either being the

only guitar player,or in a band w/a drummer.

Just the 2 of us.


Do you guys think I should say to potential players

that we've had people stand us up,and if you

are not going to show up,I'm not going to bother

w/the time to set you up w/the audition list.


But that's too negative,ain't it.



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It takes a certain amount of courage and confidence in oneself to audition for a new job in a band. I'm not defending the no-shows, quite the opposite, if someone's willing to schedule time with your band, they should show up, but I can remember being nervous as hell as I drove to the audition for my current gig.


There are wanna-be's who wish they could do it. There are posers who say they can do it. And there are those who can actually do it. Keep looking, you'll find the person you're looking for.

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After re-reading your first post, I have the following suggestion.


Give the person you're auditioning a range of songs to work on. Keep Magic Man in there so they'll know what's expected of them, but throw them something easier as well. Something to help everyone get warmed up and break the ice early in the audition. Maybe even ask your potential lead player if there's a song he/she is really comfortable with, and you learn that song.

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Originally posted by jacksplatz

How do I keep everyone happy while we wait to

bring a lead player on.

Could you just tell the band to go and take a break for a while and forget about it? Then arrange to meet these people yourself. Get them to meet you in a bar or a cafe first. If they dont show up to that... then you know they are wasters. And if they do, you will get a chance to check each other out and then they are less likely to not show up when you have the band waiting.


Either that or tell the band to look for people themselves and help out, rather than acting like whiny spoilt brats when someone doesn't show up.


Either way, alot of people are idiots and will let you down no matter what. But alot of people are reliable and cool. Its just luck and persistence until you find the right person.

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Originally posted by Nobody Told Me

It takes a certain amount of courage and confidence in oneself to audition for a new job in a band. I'm not defending the no-shows, quite the opposite, if someone's willing to schedule time with your band, they should show up, but I can remember being nervous as hell as I drove to the audition for my current gig.

There are wanna-be's who wish they could do it. There are posers who say they can do it. And there are those who can actually do it. Keep looking, you'll find the person you're looking for.




This is a good post,,,, you also have to remember that of those people who can do it ,, becuase they have done it in the past also know the amount of commitment it takes to do it right. Some of the no shows may well be very capable but on the fence about the commitment. a good band is alot of work... that has to compete with everything else in your life. They may just change their minds and blow it off. The people you cant get back to practice are either flakes or look at what you have to offer and dont think its worth their effort. Finding the right people is hard ,, especially if you have been out of the loop or are new in town.


I always thought perfect storm would be a good name for a band ,,, its amost what it really takes to fill all the chairs in a great band. You may only get one perfect storm in a lifetime. If you are a person thats had theirs ,, you are way more selective on future bands.......No one wants to settle for a band thats not as good as the one you played in.... rat

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Originally posted by jacksplatz

I mean is this normal?

Or is this just a bad run????




A) Unfortunately, yes.


B) Unfortunately, no.



You'll get a million stories...here's one of mine.



In my previous band, we were looking for a drummer. We booked a three-hour block at a rehearsal studio, and confirmed the date and times with three drummers.


The first guy played like a kid who's just unwrapped a toy drum kit on Christmas morning. Couldn't keep even a simple rhythm to save his life.


The second guy spent 20 minutes--yes 20 minutes!--tuning the drum kit. Granted, it was the beat-to-hell house kit, but Christ--it was just an audition for a local cover band, not a concert in front of thousands of people. When he finally played he was good, so we asked him if he's be interested in playing for us again, and he had a ton of excuses why he was too busy.


The third guy was a no-show. No phone call, no email, nothing.




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My wife has a lovely voice, not exactly what I would say most cover bands look for, but she answered an ad and went to an audition, she did her best, and was not the right person for the band, but she went, she gave it a real try... I think that too many people lack the basic confidence, and that's sad, an player of any level should be willing to try, the very worst thing that can happen is you get some free constructive critisism.....


Where in MD are you? I used to live in Sailisbury, down on the Eastern Shore...

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I live in frederick,md

about an hour n.w. of D.C.


You would think that you would'nt

you would'nt answer an ad if you

did'nt feel ready.


I mean,isn't that putting yourself through

some uneeded stress?


I'd rather have people not repond at all

if they know they have no real intention

of showing up.


I've auditioned before,I know the pressures

involved,but this is what we do is'nt it?


I guess I just think differently than these people.


Well we'll just have to plod onward.

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I've had to deal w/ this problem also. I agree that it's a confidence problem & if they aren't that confident in their skills, they shouldn't be wasting anyone's time arranging an audition! The first thing I like to do is have a sit down with the person to find out what they wish to accomplish in this project to find out if they're gonna wanna do this for the long haul. Problem is, there's alot of people out there who just want bragging rights. They think they're impressing others by telling them they're in a band & think there's no work involved. MAN, DOES THAT MAKE ME MAD!!!

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Originally posted by jacksplatz

Hello everyone. I've been a'lurkin',but now I am puzzled.

Why do people answer ads for auditions,and then either

no show,or call like 2 hrs. before the aud. and give me

some lameass excuse about why they can't make it.

We are currently looking for a lead guitar player.

Our old had serious timing issues.


Bro, format your posts like a normal person. I'm getting a headache looking at it and can't be bothered to read the whole thing.... :mad:

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We had one guy recently who showed up for the audition, poked his head in the studio waiting room and then just left. We are an old fashioned classic rock cover band. This studio is otherwise filled with death metal bands. He heard the other bands playing and got scared away :-).


In general though, I think it is so rude and unprofessional to make an appointment to show up for an audition and just not show up.

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Bro, this is pretty much standard. We've been looking for bass player for about a year. We had one guy so far that auditioned and stayed for a while then left for a death metal band. The good thing is that he did, otherwise we would've had to fire him since he wasn't making much progress on the songs.


The latest and greatest response I've gotten to our bass player ad - this dude emailed us saying that he was ready to get serious and was looking for a serious band. So I call him a day later and he pretended that he didn't even know that he sent us the email. Classic!


We had similar problems finding drummer - finally some guy moved from Arizona to Texas to become our drummer! Apparently the scene over there was even {censored}tier.

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I once had an 18 year old kid contact me to try out for our bassist position, and we gave him songs to learn and set up an audition time. I confirm with him the morning of the audition.


Of course, he does not show up. I email him the next day and ask what happened to him. He said his mom's kidneys failed that day, so he couldn't make it, and thus did not have the chance to email us back because he'd been at the hospital all day. However, he made no mention of setting up another time to try out. Poor kid must have been traumatized. :rolleyes:

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Yeah,I thought that finding a bass player would be MUCH harder.

But,we found one actually pretty quickly.

The irony of that is,we had a good project going in 2000,

and our bass player up and died.I thought it might have

been the bass line in the filter tune we were doning at the time,

(bad joke I know),and we never could find another one.


It took like 6 years later( I didn't play for a while after our bass

player died,it was a heart attack,he was like 45 then,a good 10 years older than the rest of us,but he was pretty good)to find another one.

Now it's a lead player.The old saying that guitar players are a dime a dozen do'nt apply here.

I thought we would have a much easier time finding a lead player.

I was wrong.


But,we have a gut set up for this weekend at 5.I talked to the guy on the phone(which is good),and he assures me he will show.

I'm not counting on it.

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Well the world is full of flakes. If they don't show they weren't worth your time after all. I always made the effort to show for everything. But there was this one time, which I am embarrassed about now. I was to audition for the rhythm guitarist in a band in Houston. I arrived to find the audition to be held in a very exclusive neighborhood. So I was a little out of my element allready. Then as I was walking up to this mansion I heard the band playing inside. Man they just rocked beyond rocked, and the fact was I was mediocre at best. So in order to save face I pussed out and quickly got into my beater and split. Stupid? Yup!,

inconsiderate? Yup! But the real stupid part was that if I had made that audition it is hard telling what could have happened in the long run. OF SPECIAL NOTE: Younger players do not make my mistakes. Always be reliable, flexible . Even if you do not make the audition, there may be someone there that you can make connections with. You never know when that audition may be THE AUDITION! Just a thought.:cool:

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