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no one showing up!


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Ya gotta show up, it's just common courtesy.


to reduce the stress on the band, meet with the player first. Talk first, go for a soda. That way, you can decide if the band needs to see the dude (or dudette?). Take a cd/mp3 player with a few of your tunes, if you have recorded anything, even covers. This helps, but does not gaurantee success.


I find a fair amount of chatter over e-mail helps, too, esp when you are answering adds. Oddly, people are very honest over e-mail, sometimes more than they think they are.


Question, why is finding another player in your lap? Sounds like the rest of them need to step up a bit and help out. Does the bass player really believe bailing is a good idea, given what he has already invested in your band?


Last comment, yep, it seems like they are all nuts, but there are a lot of nutty people out there. Anyone who is not acting rationally probably has an emotional reason for bailing. Fear, whatever. And a lot of people don't know themselves very well and cannot think things through. They get in situations that a reasonable person would say, "nope, this is not going the right place for me" and can't see it coming until crunch time.


Keep looking. Esp. for a guitar player, that should not be impossible. My list, in order of ease of finding



good guitarist

bass (yes, I play bass)


killer guitarist

killer guitaist who is NOT TOO FREAKING LOUD OUCH!


vox who can actually sing

vox who can plug {censored} in (don't get me started!)

keys (do they actually exist any more?)


Any musician who can get along and does not have rock star disease. LOL!



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Quite interesting stories :)

I also have one. With my former band we were looking for a vocal and here comes this guy dressed like a rock star with all the attire: rather tall, chains, wierd symbology, hairstyle, and so on. So I myself was a little intimidated... our bass player who was the organistional guy had sat down with him and shown him the song and the lyrics. We begin that song, the intro is over and when the guy's supposed to start singing, he keeps silent..ok fine, he just missed it, we repeat the theme once again...still silence :confused: ...I think we looped the same thing for 2 minutes or so, and kind of got into the 'jam' mood, so finally our drummer stopped, and we just had to tell the guy that it won't work. Later I found out that he was not even 18 :freak: and he just got too scared when the whole band started playing.

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