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Singing: how to do it properly?


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I can play the heck out of a guit-fiddle. Singing, not so good.


I try to pick keys that work with my voice, but I don't project well at all, and I end up straining my voice, which is obviously wrong.


I'm trying to sing from the belly, but it's difficult to remember to do. Any tips on improving rock singing?

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me too about 15 years ago. I lkearned how to sing by practicing every day and recording it and forcing myself to listen to my {censored}tiness and then avoiding the {censored}tiness. I don't think you can learn to sing anything, but I think pretty much anyone can find their niche. I front now and I think I had absolutely zero when i started.


If you are a good guitar player, then don't be afraid to take songs with your favorite lick in them and change keys. I used to want to play certain licks so much that I insisted ont he original key, but I realized that the crowd can't tell the sweet licks as much as they noticed me screaming something in the wrong key for me.

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I think you might need help breathing in the right spots. Apparently, some singers have learned to breath while they're singing! As suggested, take a few lessons and see if they can help in this area. They practice and practice.


If you are sitting down while you are singing it makes it more difficult to fill your lungs with air. Standing is better.

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several of the lead singers I have played with would get an old tape deck and record themselves while the practiced. The better singer/lead men /women would also practice in front of a mirror. They are not being "vain" they are working on expression which seems to help with the preformance.

Most of the backgrounds of the better/more sucessful singers worked on their chops in a church choir.


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they are working on expression which seems to help with the preformance.




I have also noticed that facial expression or jaw position or shape of my lips really affects my pitch, too - not just tone. Like I have a tin ear for vocals and just was incapable of nudging my voice into tune on certain songs. I found that if I sang it while smiling, it got me in pitch. Some times I push my jaw out and it also helps.



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Well, thanks for all the replies. Confidence and stage presence aren't a problem for me. What I'm really looking for is how to make sure I don't strain and hurt my voicebox. I'll look into a singing instructor. Thanks again.

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Well, thanks for all the replies. Confidence and stage presence aren't a problem for me. What I'm really looking for is how to make sure I don't strain and hurt my voicebox. I'll look into a singing instructor. Thanks again.



Stand straight, making a straight air column from the diaphragm to the roof of the mouth.

Open your mouth and let it out.

Keep your chin down. Sticking the chin/head forward strains the vocal cords.

Dont smoke.

As a vocal major in college I had to sing (and learn to breathe) in German, Italin, Latin and English. I employ these methods every gig and I can sing all night long if I need to. Try it.

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If you don't go the vocal instructor route, there are some tapes/CD's that might help. I bought one a few years ago called Born To Sing. It passed along quite a few tips that I found handy. One was mentioned by Cephus - smiling when you sing. It helps with projection.


Another one I still retain/use is making sure I take a deep breath before singing a phrase. Then, it's like slowly letting the air out of balloon. You never want the balloon become totally deflated. I focus on refilling my lungs as soon as the phrase is done. That sure helps my voice feel less strained.

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The most important thing you can learn as a singer is to use your diaphram properly. YOu will be able to sing longer, hold notes longer and you will find your throat less burned out at the end of the night.


Some vocal instruction would really be helpful, but as mentioned you can get some good CD's and DVD's that can get you the basics.

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