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ouch just got ditched


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It means you have a charismatic/driven "leader" who manages to surround his or herself with lackeys and "yes men".

Then, if one comes along that has any suggestions to improve the sound of the band, that person is a "troublemaker".


i dunno if that was the case really. it's probably more to do with them being a geezer band and i'm but a young whippersnapper :o




been learning some biffy clyro and foo fighters bass lines for this audition on thursday. even though i'd prefer to play guitar there doesn't seem to be anyone looking for guitarists just now but the parts are pretty cool and interesting. should be an adventure:thu:

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It means you have a charismatic/driven "leader" who manages to surround his or herself with lackeys and "yes men".

Then, if one comes along that has any suggestions to improve the sound of the band, that person is a "troublemaker".




Teh troublemaker :thu:

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i dunno if that was the case really. it's probably more to do with them being a geezer band and i'm but a young whippersnapper

thats a different take on the term "cult of personality" than im generally familiar with, but at least i now understand what you meant.


yeah, in this case it really may have been a poor fit, especially when you mentioned that this is the same band that doesnt like playing in flat keys :facepalm:

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yeah, in that case it really may have been a poor fit. especially when you mentioned that this is the same band that doesnt like playing in flat keys


yeah nice guys but i couldnt see myself going for a beer with them and that#s a good indicator of whether a band will work or not imo.


and the we don't play in sharp or flat keys is even funnier when you take into consideration he didn't think the funk stuff was my bag:lol::facepalm:

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