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Live video shoot


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Every December, the theater & film students at the University of North Carolina School of the Arts do a training weekend to get hands-on experience - called Rock n Roll Weekend. Each time, they bring in a band to be guinea pigs while they apply what they've learned in a live setting. We've helped them out several times in the past. This time, along with the normal stage & sound tasks, they also wanted to do an actual live video shoot of one of our tunes.


Just thought I'd share. Not bad for students in a training exercise.



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Van, my man... Been around, just don't post as much here as I used to - other interweb addictions I need to feed. And thanks homie. Kinda weird for my control freak nature to stay hands-off, but I'm impressed with what the students put together. And we didn't have to pay for it - in fact, they paid US to do it.


Still workin on that tour. Need to get all our kids through school first.

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Van, my man... Been around, just don't post as much here as I used to - other interweb addictions I need to feed. And thanks homie. Kinda weird for my control freak nature to stay hands-off, but I'm impressed with what the students put together. And we didn't have to pay for it - in fact, they paid US to do it.

Still workin on that tour. Need to get all our kids through school first.



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:thu: Holy crap! Freaken awesome dude! Great song, and great video. I thought the final product looked extremely professional. Loved the flood lighting in the back (did they arrange the lighting?). I'd imagine this goes along way toward helping promotional efforts with the band.


I've been a long distance fan of TK421 ever since you, Squealie and even Band Grl began posting here. I have to say that like fine wine time just makes you guys look ever more worthy of some label support.


I really dig you guys and Charetta. You guys exude quality original rock!

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I've been a long distance fan of TK421 ever since you, Squealie and even Band Grl began posting here. I have to say that like fine wine time just makes you guys look ever more worthy of some label support.




+1 to all of this.

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Thanks guys, really appreciate that. Pretty sure we're too old for label interest at this point, but that's cool. At least we don't have anyone telling us what we can & can't do.


I believe the wall of backlights were ETC, and the movers up top were Varilight. Sound was provided by Meyer. All those companies kinda donated time and equipment to the School's weekend program. We were just fortunate enough to be able to take advantage of it. Yeah, they did a hell of a job considering there was no major planning or rehearsal - we just came in that afternoon, played the song a few billion times, and let them edit it all together. We also did a two hour show later that night. Twas a loooooooooong day.


And I'm very thankful we didn't stink up the live audio recording.

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Its not the kind of music I listen to,, however major kudos on the musical skill sets you guys bring to a song. For sure completely pro level performance in every way. You guy have it to the max. You can run with the big dogs, no doubt about that. I dont know if I would count out the major record deal. You guys are worthy.

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Very well done!!!!:thu: If I was going to nit pick, I'd say your drummer is either a) painfully ugly or b) the devil, because he has no front lighting through the whole song, so he always ends up looking red. :mad:


That being said, the back lighting was crazy good as was the song.

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Its not the kind of music I listen to,, however major kudos on the musical skill sets you guys bring to a song. For sure completely pro level performance in every way. You guy have it to the max. You can run with the big dogs, no doubt about that. I dont know if I would count out the major record deal. You guys are worthy.



Thanks Rhat. Like I said earlier, probably a bit beyond record deal age and all that stuff. Just happy we're still relevant in some sense. But really appreciate the compliments.

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Very well done!!!!
If I was going to nit pick, I'd say your drummer is either a) painfully ugly or b) the devil, because he has no front lighting through the whole song, so he always ends up looking red.

That being said, the back lighting was crazy good as was the song.


Ha! He's actually a decent lookin dude, pulls more tail than anyone I know. I thought the red was a bit much on him too, but it was a learning experience for the kids. We had no director-type control. And yeah, the light wall was pretty bitchin. Kinda wished they had done the washout a few more times. And thanks on the song. Live audio usually scares the bejesus outta me cause it's very unforgiving, but we managed to get through it well I thought.

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Thanks Rhat. Like I said earlier, probably a bit beyond record deal age and all that stuff. Just happy we're still relevant in some sense. But really appreciate the compliments.



Who knows about the record deal. In recient years all the old rules have changes to some degree. Roll your own has broken down alot of barriers and given guys who when I was young would have never ever had their music see the light of day. I have been playing keys for a guy for the last two winters, that put a song in the top 20 on the roots country chart at age 53. Who da thunk eh. I question if age means as much as it did when I was young. Shoot you had a couple years right out of high school to make it ,, today ,, hell anything can happen. For sure you got the band, the vocals the stage look..... A little luck and who the hell knows. there is such a thing as geezer power .....

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Ha! He's actually a decent lookin dude, pulls more tail than anyone I know. I thought the red was a bit much on him too, but it was a learning experience for the kids. We had no director-type control. And yeah, the light wall was pretty bitchin. Kinda wished they had done the washout a few more times. And thanks on the song. Live audio usually scares the bejesus outta me cause it's very unforgiving, but we managed to get through it well I thought.



I was kidding. The Vids bad-ass. It's just the guys up front all have good front lighting and he didn't. Either way, I can't imagine that video alone doesn't get you every gig you try to get. Pro all the way around!

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