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Getting ripped off in gig


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I was asked to do a gig with them couple of weeks ago as a guest musician, everything went okay things for the most part very professional. The problem started when they asked me to do a free gig on October. At first I really wasn't into the idea, but they looked like they needed help, and I thought I can help build better network, since the band was pretty reputable in the area and I didn't mind playing for a good cause.


But I started having second thoughts about this, and asked the other guest players what they were planning to do. It turns out that they were actually getting paid for the gig. What I know is that they had very little budget, and they've probably allocated all their money to other guest players long before they asked me to do the gig(they didn't know I existed in the scene), and they were planning to use a student piano player for free in the first place.


What I felt was wrong was the fact that whoever was in charge gave me the impression that nobody was getting paid for this gig. It could have been an honest mistake, but it certainly gave me a bad impression, and made me question whether they treated other guest musicians with courtesy and respect.


I want to add that I am not posting this because of money but because principle. If they let me know the money situation and explained to me why some people were getting paid and I wasn't, I would have been more understanding. I still might have done the gig if the explanation is reasonable.


I will give them credit for telling me that they will understand if I choose not to do it and they will use someone else instead. But the way they conducted business gave me the impression that they didn't want me to find out other people were getting paid on this gig.


The bottom line is this , they should know that whether other guest musicians are paid or not will influence my decision, and the lack of transparency in this respect has greatly tainted my opinion on this group.


I guess what I would like is a feedback from you guys.. what's the best way to deal with situation like this? Feel free to comment or not...I know this is awkward situation to comment on.. so I will promise that if you do, it will remain confidential between you and me.



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Just be honest with him. Tell him you'll do it, but if everybody else is getting paid, you expect to be paid too.



Correct! It isn't ALWAYS about the money, but even at a charity gig there is often payment for the bands. If I knew others were getting paid, I would want to get paid as well.

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Just be honest with him. Tell him you'll do it, but if everybody else is getting paid, you expect to be paid too.



This. Don't approach it pissed off or confrontational though. Let him know that since the other musicians will be paid for the event you must be too. If he says no that you say sorry, you can't do it and just bow out gracefully.

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Thanks guys for the quick response!!


I forgot to mention that I did play one gig with them last week as a sub, and they did pay me very well for it.


I talked to couple of older players in the area, and it turns out that the organizer is known to do crap like this. What really Pi$$ed me off was the fact the the guy made it sound like there really wasn't any money to pay anyone, which wasn't true. and I do feel taken advantage of for thinking of doing this out of good will.


I did their last gig as a last minute sub, so they probably weren't planning to have any piano for the next gig spent all the budget for the next gig on other players.. which makes sense... But little transparency will go a long way. I should have found out about this form the organizer, not from other players by accident.


The other players I talked were just as confused too, they assumed that I was getting paid also, and they told me they are calling the organizers too. So I guess the organizers are going to end up getting a bad rep from this.


I am glad I talked to people first, I was ready to blow up.. but I realized that this shouldn't stop me from handling the situation professionally.

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Look at it from what this can do for you. If it hooks up up with people that may well turn into a good gig for the future, you may want to go with the flow. If that doestn seem to be the case or if its nothing you are willing to do ,,, just dont do it if you wont get paid. In music ,, it pretty well always boils down to who you know when it comes time for someone to get a call to join a band. if this ups your known factor status ,, it might be worth it.


running with top dogs has its value ,, even if you are not getting paid sometimes. No real right or wrong answer,,,, its just how you feel the situation will be for you in the long run.

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I did get an email back from the organizer.. they told me exactly how much they were getting for the gig(which is barely enough to cover transportation) and that no one was getting paid. It could be a big misunderstanding, It's possible that the organizer told my friend there was pay and the whole situation changed and they haven't told him yet. But if that's the case it sucks for the him, because he canceled another good paying gig to do this gig.


It still doesn't make sense, because we asked about the pay around the same time a month ago. And the organizers knows my friend is in high demand and they know each other well enough to know that he is not willing to play a gig for free. My friend is planning to ask about the pay later in the week, but he is mostly likely going to take the other gig instead.


It's also possible that organizer will make a deal with my friend an offer to pay him, as long as he doesn't tell anybody about it.


Either way, some is not right about this

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I learned a while ago that nothing good every comes from playing for free. There are no exceptions......



True, unless you consider playing "Relay for Life" or things like that as giving back, which we do. But to take your main idea one step further a band shouldn't play cheap either, cause you get known as that band that will play cheap. I've had it happen.


BTW to the OP: What is a guest musician? Did you play with the band the entire night, or just do a few songs, or were you subbing?

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New Trail,


well, the group is basically made up of amateur musicians, and they hire couple of pro musicians for the gig whenever they have a paid performance. They usually get one musician for each section, and we end up playing most of the solos for the night. I played the entire night, and I was the only piano player on that gig.

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New Trail,

well, the group is basically made up of amateur musicians, and they hire couple of pro musicians for the gig whenever they have a paid performance. They usually get one musician for each section, and we end up playing most of the solos for the night. I played the entire night, and I was the only piano player on that gig.




That's kinda cool...

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I'd say...pass.


They're not honest to you, what can you expect at this point.


Maybe, you should go and say that you know everyone else is getting paid, and you want to be paid for the gig.


But, if i were you, I'd just pass

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I've had guys sit in with our group, guys who were pros, and they played some or even most of the night for nothing, even though the core group got paid. If there were tips or drinks, or whatever, they were given to the guys who sat in. But I would never ask a guy to play for free when other guys were getting paid. that's a no no. I would tell 'em if anyone's getting paid, so am I. Recalculate the pay per man, take less for yourself, or get more for the gig. If that's not possible, stay home or you'll be setting yourself up for more screwings in the future IMO.

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I've had guys sit in with our group, guys who were pros, and they played some or even most of the night for nothing, even though the core group got paid
. If there were tips or drinks, or whatever, they were given to the guys who sat in. But I would never
a guy to play for free when other guys were getting paid. that's a no no. I would tell 'em if anyone's getting paid, so am I. Recalculate the pay per man, take less for yourself, or get more for the gig. If that's not possible, stay home or you'll be setting yourself up for more screwings in the future IMO.



Thats not un normal ,, lots of guys just like to play. If you have a good group who can hang and make them look good,,, playing is a pleasure for them. thats the life blood of our jam night. It attracts pros. Its a good time and it helps them pump their own gigs with the bands they play with. Its a small musican community where everyone knows everyone. gettin on stage and rippin it up with the boys is good for business.

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