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gig report w/usual pics and rockstar posing

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Played a set on the Bo Diddley Community Plaza downtown Saturday, for an early voting awareness rally:




After our set, I was interviewed by the Alligator (the largest student-run newspaper in the United States, with a daily circulation of 35,000 and readership of over 52,000) and the local television station, ABC affiliate TV 20. Crazy that with all the activists there they bothered to talk to me.


About 8 p.m. a girl that'd been to the event (daughter of a friend, her folks both came too) posted on my facebook page that she'd seen me on the 6 o'clock news. Having my usual attention span of a gnat, I'd forgotten to watch. So I made a point of staying up to watch the 11 p.m. re-broadcast, and as they open the show, the first thing all of Gainesville sees is me on my knees playing guitar, having lept off the stage for the solo at the end of our closer.


So they do a couple headlines and then the piece about the event. They re-show the footage of Crash Pad playing, including a shot from earlier in the set (all 4 of us onstage), then some crowd shots, then they talked to one of the speakers. And then they talked to me, haha. Just a few seconds of course, but a closeup and with my name "Brian Crashpad" on the screen.


Meanwhile, the Alligator doesn't publish over the weekend, so Monday I go to a newsbox (it's a free paper) and there on p. 4 is a pic of me, basically the same thing TV 20 opened their broadcast with:




There was no story in the print edition, but if you go to the website, there's a story in addition to the pic. Also, on the Alligator website, the above pic was on the front splash page, in rotation with 2 other photos (one was the Gators women's b-ball team, the other was Dr. Cornel West, who visited town on Friday as part of our Occupy movement).


Ah, the life of the rockstar.


A friend who was there on Saturday has a radio show that's a mix of politics and a few songs interspersed. I gave him a CD of the new release, and he played some Crashers last night. That's like 5 times we've been played by local broadcast or internet radio stations (including one guy last Thursday night who played our entire album) in the last 10 days, on 4 different stations (2 broadcast, 2 internet, 1 of which is a former on-air station).


As usual, feel free to comment on my poseritude. Any questions gladly answered.


Will post some more pics as time allows.







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Cool stuff!

I guess rocking out can still catch people's attention these days. Congrats on the radio/internet plays as well.


Thanks, I guess crazy old guys jumping off stages makes for good visual copy, haha!


I am kinda excited about the album though. Although our "record company guy" (w/quotes since the "company" is basically just him) just e-mailed and wants a different title on the album. Sigh, always something. But good "problems" to have.

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