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Trying this again ...

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i decided to try to get into the group therapy of music again rather than my solo songwriting as ... i'm stuck in a rut. i like playing in a group ... but i didn;t want anything too serious as in "we are going to tour constantly" or " we play these songs exactly as (original artist) recorded them.


so, i posted a CL ad stating something to the effect that i like a lot of different music, i play guitar and sing a little and i write some of my own stuff. i am looking to see if anyone else is more interested in tone and style than volume ...


i got a couple of interesting responses from individuals but one is a little more forward. a trio looking to expand to a quartet wants another guitar. around the same age as me, and seem to be laidback which is a plus. we had a decent phone conversation where i explained that i am interested in being certain that we could get along from a personality perspective more than whether we were seriously good players.


i am meeting the bassist and singer/guitar Saturday evening to discuss this further. i am a little curious because they can respond via e-mail but were not interested in sharing their set list yet. they did say they would bring their list and i can bring some things i like ... so i guess we'll get there.


hoping this isn;t some Van Halen style situation as the bassist has really talked up the frontman audience capabilities ... can get the women dancing etc ...

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Well, maybe it's just me, but I think it's kinda weird that they won't send set lists. I can't think of any reason not to, especially if you are auditioning/interviewing/discussing a future music project.

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Hard to tell without meeting them. Some guys think songlists are like alchemy...you have to keep them secret, or EVERYONE will have the power! It could be a sign of weirdness, but you can't tell until you're face to face.

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well, we had a decent meeting Sat PM at a local bar to discuss things. these 3 guys are kind of typical 'cover band' musicians in a certain way ... they have a set list of songs - not necessarily a setlist - which they know like the back of their hands. bassist can play, and the drummer has quite a bit of style. the front man/singer sort of bothers me - i'm sure it's me and not him. he's a 'tom cat' dude in his mid 40s and has a lot of ego which is probably a good thing as he's sort of fearless about singing some of the songs they play


one of the things they told me is that they all tune to 'drop-D' because the singer can't sing in E tuning or his voice won;t last. i decided to give them a try and see how they played by having an informal practice Sunday afternoon. practice area is the drummers living room. i decided not to detune but to have them tell me the chord sequence they are playing and i will 'transpose'. in any case, from my perspective as trying to play lead and be a second guitar ... i am not going to play the same frequencies as the front guy.


frankly, i thought i did not play well. a lot of it was the on-the-fly transposition and the fact that i knew few of the songs before walking in. of particular interest to me was that the front guy told me the wrong chords for the songs more than once. i don;t appreciate having to stare at his hands to figure out what he is playing. i didn;t expect them to have anything written down ... but at least tell me the right stuff.


not sure i want to play with them again.

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one of the things they told me is that they all tune to 'drop-D' because the singer can't sing in E tuning or his voice won;t last.




"Drop-D" affects the lowest string only, and should have nothing to do with the key in which the front man sings...


I assume you mean "detune" a half- (or whole?) step on EVERY string, which is very common to save the front man's voice, and the whole point is that you can keep the same fingering/"chords". Transposing on the fly just seems like asking for big trouble.


This band might not be a good fit anyway, but you might want to push for more clarity in the tuning approach for auditions with other bands. Just my two cents...

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