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Way off topic. Got LASIK today! Anyone else had it or thinking about it?


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I had Lasik at 35 ( I am now 41 ), best thing I ever did for myself! No more glasses, I can now buy any pair of sunglasses of the shelf, nothing special needed for motorcycle riding, snowboarding, or diving, no more fogged lenses, no more loosing or breaking my glasses at gigs, etc.

I had been wearing glasses since age 7, this was a life changer for me! Higlhy recomend it!


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Quote Originally Posted by rodclement

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I had Lasik at 35 ( I am now 41 ), best thing I ever did for myself! No more glasses, I can now buy any pair of sunglasses of the shelf, nothing special needed for motorcycle riding, snowboarding, or diving, no more fogged lenses, no more loosing or breaking my glasses at gigs, etc.

I had been wearing glasses since age 7, this was a life changer for me! Higlhy recomend it!



when mother nature takes its course, you will be entering new territory with having to use reading glasses. typically that happens in the early 40s. I do know what you mean though ,, I dont need glasses anymore myself except for reading glasses. seems like I am always chasing a pair of those though lol
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Quote Originally Posted by TIMKEYS

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when mother nature takes its course, you will be entering new territory with having to use reading glasses. typically that happens in the early 40s. I do know what you mean though ,, I dont need glasses anymore myself except for reading glasses. seems like I am always chasing a pair of those though lol


I started needing reading glasses at about 50. It's gotten really bad in just the last few months. I have pairs of them stashed in every room in the house. I hate chasing them around.

Although one of the odd side-effects of my near-sightedness is that I don't need reading glasses unless I have my contacts in. If I'm wearing regular glasses my up-close vision is fine by just looking over/under them. But supposedly I'd lose that with lasik and my up-close vision would be the same as it is now with the contacts.

All of which is fine except that I'm getting very close to the point where I'll need reading glasses at gigs to see the keyboards. Drag.

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Quote Originally Posted by guido61

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I started needing reading glasses at about 50. It's gotten really bad in just the last few months. I have pairs of them stashed in every room in the house. I hate chasing them around.

Although one of the odd side-effects of my near-sightedness is that I don't need reading glasses unless I have my contacts in. If I'm wearing regular glasses my up-close vision is fine by just looking over/under them. But supposedly I'd lose that with lasik and my up-close vision would be the same as it is now with the contacts.

All of which is fine except that I'm getting very close to the point where I'll need reading glasses at gigs to see the keyboards. Drag.


Its not odd at all,, it the way all near sighted people are. You might try just wearing one contact and going mono vision. I started needing bi focals in my early 40s. Lots of things to see in the cockpit of a king air combined with needing to see out the windscreen , and then there were the nav charts and performance charts of the plane. Lots of paper work as well. I would just get a pair of progressives in a stylish frame for giggin. somthing with a gradiant tint and cool frames.

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