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I know there were probably threads on this in the past, but I wanted to talk about banners/backdrops.

We've been using just our logo with website address underneath on a white vinyl banner (around 5x2' or so) that we put up behind us with tacks or tape. It's really starting to look kinda beat up so we're considering replacing what we have (with a couple minor changes) or trying a different design.

One idea from the group was to put something like


underneath on there somewhere to advertise that we're available for those events without having to speak it. Not sure if that'll end up being tacky and lame, or useful...


So overall what we're concerned with is

1. Design (content, size)

2. Material

3. Method of hanging/suspending/etc, especially in rooms that we're affixed in corners or something where it's hard to hang a banner at all. Sometimes we don't even put ours up and just rely on the kick drum head and that's it.


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A lighting truss is the best/most consistant way to hang a banner behind a band.  Short of that, you're really at the mercy of the venue.   Before we had a truss we used a vinyl banner with grommits and hung it with rope so there was a bit more flexibility when hanging it from oddly-placed trusses and things that might already be attached to ceilings and walls.

If you can't hang it nicely then I agree that just the drum-head is the way to go. 

Personally, I wouldn't do the NIGHTCLUBS * WEDDINGS tag line on a banner.  I personally would find it tacky, but I don't think it'd be a deal-breaker for any band getting a repeat performance at a gig or anything.   So you mileage can certainly vary on that one.

As far as tackiness goes, you've really got to be careful with hanging a banner at all at any private event.   If it's a really nice, formal affair, it might not blend in well with decor they've probably spent a lot of time and money on.   A nice drumhead will take you a long way in those cases.

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StratGuy22 wrote:


We always use our banner. We play private functions, weddings etc. its just a part of our thing.


We've disposed of the banner in favor of a projector screen behind the band that displays the banner before we start/during breaks.   But we've had some events where we've chosen (and sometimes been asked) to not use the screen at all and the backlighting truss.   Sometimes if a room is really decked out with a certain decor, and if it's more of a set-up-on-the-floor deal rather than up on a stage, it just makes more sense to me to try and blend in rather than stick out.


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