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Introduce your band!

Lee Flier

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My band's name is Table Nine, we got the name from the movie The Wedding Singer (adam sandler movie). Anyways we've been together for one year and are starting to take shape, we are all age 16 and our drummer is 18. Our main influences are bands such as radiohead, the decemberists, weezer, and the verve. Our myspace site http://www.myspace.com/tnine we also have a temporary site at http://www.tablenine.moonfruit.com if you would like to check us out that'd be great, our recordings are all home produces so they aren't studio but they are pretty good for home recordings. thanks!




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I've played in a couple of bands...

my first band was called Fozz. I was on bass and vocals. we played alternative/indie rock music, similar to that of Metric, Immaculate Machine, etc.

my second band was called Hold Me Down. I was on lead guitar and backup vocals. we did experimental rock, similar to Broken Social Scene, the Arcade Fire, etc.

I'm currently starting an acoustic "folk" style band called The Evernots. I'll be on rhythm guitar and vocals, a friend of mine will be on keys/backup vocals, adn another friend of mine will be on drums. right now, I'm writing music and we're gonna start rehearsing after the summer.

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The Blind Robins

Chicago/Rockford area

We've been filed under Americana, Alt. Country, Insurgent Country, Cowpunk...

Really we're just an old fashioned American rock band with strong country and folk influences, ala CCR, The Byrds etc. Maybe a dash of The Clash or The Ramones thrown in.

Completely original material, save for a couple of covers here and there. I write and sing the songs and play guitar. We're a 4 piece. In the past we've also had a pedal steel player and a violinist. We're toying with the idea of adding a utility player of some sort (pedal steel, keyboards, etc.).

I'm currently writing material for our third CD.



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Hey people, just figured I'd introduce our band Bag of Toys. Here's our little bio that we're currently using...

Bag of Toys is a quartet creating the best acoustic surf rock in Northern California.* Beginning with a few appearances at a small open-mic showcase, the group has quickly risen up the venue circuit of San Francisco and has since continued to entertain the masses in the Bay Area at venues such as The Independent and Slim's while providing opening act support for groups such as Fishbone and The Expendables.* In less than one year from its early 2006 release, Nooner, the 12-song debut CD from Bag of Toys has been sold in all 50 states as well as over 15 other countries while propelling them to the top of the rankings for unsigned acoustic artists on the ever-popular myspace.com.* In 2007, "Share", one of the band's original songs from Nooner, was prominently featured on a

for the Microsoft Zune.* Building on this upward momentum, the band will continue to spread their sound through exciting live performances and the creation of more original music that will give you that feeling you get right after you sneeze.*

The foundation of Bag of Toys started when Robert Tait began writing songs at the age of 14. The Pacific Ocean lured Robert out to San Francisco and, in late 2003, he found support in the melodic guitar playing of Steve Cowgill. Seeking to fill out the sound, the duo perused the internet for a rhythm section and, after far too many strange audition experiences, finally found the perfect fit with Joe Schewe holding a bass and Robert Stadler behind a drum set . The quartet then spent the early part of 2004 in Robert Tait's apartment molding his creations into the infectious sound that has become Bag of Toys.

Bag of Toys Official Site >

Bag of Toys Myspace Page >

Bag of Toys On iTunes >

Bag of Toys CD Through CD Baby >

Well, i guess that's more or less our band in a nutshell.



Bag of Toys

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Hey everybody, I'm brand new to this site but it looks cool. I play bass in Afghan Banana Stand, were like punk/rock/ska I guess. We just pro recorded like a month ago so we got some sweet tunes up on the site (see signature). We've also got a show coming up July 9 with Streetligth Manifesto at the Station in Portland, ME. So yeah, thats our big news. Check us out, we love to hear from people.

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Whatsup homes, not in a band but I'm looking to start one.

Location-Oxford Mississippi

Type of Music-Metal/Hard Rock

Role-I'ma fairly good vocal writer but what I think is good is largely out of my singing range; I can do baritone/bass though, and I did faster-paced vocals a la Rage Agaisnt the Machine in a previous band

Looking for-any help or advice anyone can offer, as well as tips for picking up new members besides some random shower singer

My screenname was my stage name in my previous band, a punk-rock outfit called Funny Lemonade that only gigged once because we had trouble keeping responsible drummers.

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Check us out, let me know what you think. What we have up now is just a rough mix. We're about 80% finished with our first album.

We get a lot of comparisons to older prog stuff like Yes and Rush, also some comparisons to bands like Cave In and Shiner.

Most fun I've ever had playing music. I play guitar and make noise.

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Quote Originally Posted by fuzzball

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How does that Hartke amp sound? My bass player is shoping for a new amp.


I went to the guitar shop with him when he picked that out. He was looking for something with a decent amount of power and thump to hang with my Engl, but also didn't want to break the bank. I gotta say, the setup sounds great. He's got a 350w head going through a 4x10 and a 1x15. (all Hartke with the aluminum speakers)

We always play with other metal bands, so I can't speak for other styles, but I see a lot of other bass players playing with almost identical setups. I'd have to say we've had no regrets with choosing Hartke.

All of the live tracks on our website and myspace page were done with the Hartke, although it's tough to tell the sound quality of an amp through a single mic live track.

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