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Merry Happy Festi-Christma-Hana-Quanzica to all of you! After checking my post history, it has been 8 months since I last logged in to HC! I hope that all of ya'll are doing well and prospering! I'm still gigging like a SOB, harassing venue owners, working on my next album, etc... Basically, my 2013 went to complete **** right about the time I quit posting...personal tragedies, had 2 guitars stolen, changed jobs, new house, had to put off grad school...I can't wait for 2014, because 2013 was the worst year of my life. Luckily Mrs Chem is standing strong beside me! Anyways...I'm going to try to come back here more. I'm sure ya'll need me giving you grief over your music stand use...or something...

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chemikool wrote:



Merry Happy Festi-Christma-Hana-Quanzica to all of you! After checking my post history, it has been 8 months since I last logged in to HC! I hope that all of ya'll are doing well and prospering! I'm still gigging like a SOB, harassing venue owners, working on my next album, etc... Basically, my 2013 went to complete **** right about the time I quit posting...personal tragedies, had 2 guitars stolen, changed jobs, new house, had to put off grad school...I can't wait for 2014, because 2013 was the worst year of my life. Luckily Mrs Chem is standing strong beside me! Anyways...I'm going to try to come back here more. I'm sure ya'll need me giving you grief over your music stand use...or something...


Hope 2014 is your year!

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