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Questions about Rack Delay and Delay in General

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I think this is the right place to post this.


A year ago I got a Boss ME-50 Guitar Multieffects Pedal. I got it mostly for delay and maybe some reverb and chorus.


My band plays quite frequently, and I soon realized that I am bad enough at tripping over my Guitar Patch Cable, let alone the many cables headed to my pedal (Send, Return, Power Bar(so I could plug my pedal in near my micstand), along with my Mesa Dual Rectifier's Remote Switch). I realized once and for all that I absolutely hate pedals, besides the basic switch ones to switch tones.


I have decided recently to start building up a Rack, which so far includes a tuner and a wireless system, and I plan on getting a Power Conditioner and some effects soon.


I really want a Delay Rack Unit, as this is what I will mostly use. I will worry about Reverb and Choruses later.


Now, my questions involve the idea of whether I should get a Multieffects Processor, or if there is any Dedicated Rack Delay Units on the market now... It seems most are out of production in favor of pedals. The Multi-effects pedals I have been looking at (G-Sharp and G-Major) don't seem to have a control to change the Ms of the Delay, I would like the ability to have 5ms to 2 seconds Delay time (My Boss ME-50 Has 1ms-2000ms, so anything in that range is what I need)


I have seen the Digitech RDS4000 on eBay, and I have heard it is good, but I want something with the ability so save settings, so I can switch between them with a footswtich, and preferably, something I can buy New. (Although I am not totally opposed to buying Used as long as it will work well)


I have found the Alesis MidiVerb4 Digital Effects Processor, which has Delay and other effects (which may be useful), but why does it say "Midi"? I know Midi Files on computers are basically computerized sounds, and I don't want my delay to sound like this (I have no idea what Midi means when used with guitars, so I would love to have this explained)


And is there a difference between Analog and Digital Delay? What is that difference?


For anyone who has used a Boss Digital Delay Pedal(I have tried these too), or the Boss ME-50 Delay, I love this sound and simply want to have that type of delay from a Rack Unit, with the ability to save settings and use a simple footswitch to switch between my custom settings. If there is anything with the cool Reverse, Space Pan and Slow Echo options that are on the ME-50 that would be even more amazing, as I love those too.


I will sum it all up...


What kind of Rack Effects/Delay Unit will allow me to choose Msecs, save presettings, connect a footswitch and have the ability to sound like the Boss ME-50 or Digital Delay Pedal (I usually use the 100-500 ms setting), and perhaps has other Delay Effects like Reverse and Slow Echo????


What is Midi mean when in reference to guitar effects??? ex Alesis MidiVerb4 Digital Effects Processor (http://www.musiciansfriend.com/product/Alesis-MidiVerb4-Digital-Effects-Processor?sku=182506)


What is the difference between ANALOG and DIGITAL Delay? What does the BOSS ME-50 Have?


Thanks!!! (I tried finding the search part of the site but could not...so sorry if this has been asked 100000000s of times)

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What does MIDI Controllable mean?


The D-Two Looks great from what I have read... any way I can hear some audio samples, or any testimonials from this board from people who use it? Can it have custom presettings that are footswitch changable?


I can't tell from the picture... but I CAN set my own MSecs Settings, correct?

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What does MIDI Controllable mean?

The D-Two Looks great from what I have read... any way I can hear some audio samples, or any testimonials from this board from people who use it? Can it have custom presettings that are footswitch changable?



MIDI is Musical Instrument Digital Interface. With this interface you can connect two devices together and they can communicate with each other. Things like keyboards, and computers with sequencing and software synths can send data that represents actual notes played. In a rack mount effect MIDI is useful for digital foot controllers to be able to change to different memory locations where certain effect parameters are stored. MIDI pedals can also control real time effects such as flange or wah via an expression pedal. MIDI can also be used between two rack units where one can control the other. Google MIDI to find out more specifics. Its a powerful interface that can do a lot if you know what you are doing.

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All MIDI efx units allow you to create custom presents.

All MIDI efx units with delay will have a ms readout.


MIDI controllable means you can hit one button on a MIDI footcontroller and get a slap back delay, hit another get a long delay.

It also means with an expression pedal you can control the feedback, delay time, fx output etc .... almost all the parameters are usually controllable with an expression pedal.



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What does MIDI Controllable mean?


The D-Two Looks great from what I have read... any way I can hear some audio samples, or any testimonials from this board from people who use it?



Testify brotha!!!


I've used em and they really are wonderful machines


They did a great job with making the interface usable and having some useful features


The more streamlined interface might be appealing to you as it sounds like you are just getting into units with program memory


Can it have custom presettings that are footswitch changable?


Like many of the modern units, it allows for program change (custom settings) through MIDI


I can't tell from the picture... but I CAN set my own MSecs Settings, correct?


Yes, but it can do a whole lot more --

one nice thing I find about it is that you can use fewer actual programs and more fluidly operate the thing real-time


ever seen tap tempo? -- this thing actually allows you to tap in a rhtyhm!

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