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rack setup!?!?!

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so i want to join the tube/ rack setup world at the same time... so i have no idea what you need to run a rack setup but i am flexible and any advice would be awesome... i have heard somethings but not enough for me to make an informed decission about what i want ya know? i thought about a peavey 60/60 but i have no idea if thats a decent power amp or what pre amp to run with it so could i get some suggestions on decent rack setups and cabs to run them through?

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First off, you're going to need a preamp and a poweramp. I'd really recommend to get hold of some decent units instead of just buying the cheapest {censored} you can get hold of.


I started my rack with the Engl E530 preamp and a G-Major fx processor, which i ran into the fx return of a 100W hiwatt head, which then acted as poweramp.


It didn't take long before i stumbled across an ass-cheap Mesa/Boogie 50/50 slave ($250 + checkup, bias adjustment, new tubes and such).


Keep an eye on your "local market" - i found quite a few good deals from used stuff ad's in the local newspapers and such.


Find out what kind of stuff you want, and then buy the best you can afford on your budget. I'd personally rather leave some stuff out for a start, and go for higher quality basic components.


Upon all the reccomendations around here on the ADA MP1, i think that's a good pre to start off with, as it is rather cheap, and should be awesome-sounding as far as i've heard.


For the poweramp, you should find out what kind of tubes suit your taste. Older marshall and/or boogie gear doesn't seem that expensive, and it sounds great to me.


Welcome to the rack-world pal - and be warned... this is highly addictive stuff :D

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The Peavey 60/60 is a decent power amp. It's a good starting point for a rack setup. Very nice tone.

Drawbacks are:

- amp's volume knobs are on the back

- one standby switch for both channels

- can not run in MONO mode

- 3 spaces and heavy


My favorite preamp is still the Peavey Rock Master after auditioning about 10 different preamps. Tone is too subjective. Try everything, even the cheap stuff.

Don't forget that speakers make a huge difference too.




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I suggest you try out a preamp and power amp before mixing in any fx.


To add to the good suggestions above:

-Rocktron Piranha pre

-Real Tube RT-922 pre

-Rocktron Velocity 300 pwr amp.


All three can be found used and fairly inexpensive, so you'd have a lot of spank for not a lot of cash. :thu:

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alright thanx guys! i will chack this stuff out then!

i have read a little about the mesa 20/20's and the mesa 2:90 but i don't know if like 1100 for the both is worth it...you think it is?


how loud are you going to play? I use the 50/50 live, and it's loud, i tell you! i never had it turned up past 7 onstage, and that was when the tubes were running tired.. We usually play venues with an audience between 500 and 1000 people. I guess i won't need more power before we start playing arena-size venues :D


I don't think you'll need both the 20/20 and the 2:90. I'm seriously considering building a rig with a triaxis and the 20/20 for smaller venues, but i wouldn't stuff both of those in the same rig..


i like the mesa slaves though US$1100 seems quite alot for one used i paid $250 for my 50/50. what kind of preamp have you been considering?

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I suggest you try out a preamp and power amp before mixing in any fx.

To add to the good suggestions above:

-Rocktron Piranha pre

-Real Tube RT-922 pre

-Rocktron Velocity 300 pwr amp.

All three can be found used and fairly inexpensive, so you'd have a lot of spank for not a lot of cash.


I re-read your post and realized you said "tube." In that case, I recommend VHT for a poweramp. A used VHT 2/50/2 can be found for a little more than a new Mesa 20/20. :thu:


I think it would be easier to know what type of budget you have. That could really determine what new/used gear everyone recommends.



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oh okay... well my budget for this rack is no more then 1400 and that going to include the upgraded cabs i have some already so its okay to spend a little money on the rack mounted stuff now and sell my cabs to get the upgraded ones. mine aren't bad right now but i want two framus cabs.. which will be way down the road so... yeah no more then 1400!


and it doesn't have to be tube if i can find those other ones for a god price... but i thougt i would kill two birds with one stone you know?

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and it doesn't have to be tube if i can find those other ones for a god price... but i thougt i would kill two birds with one stone you know?


to my ears tube slaves sound nicer --- and louder... :D I'm gonna get some VHT next time, but for now i'm happy with my mesa ;)

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Who knows..maybe you'll like the pre...find out exactly what it is, and what they usually go for. You might be able to get a better deal separately. If you like them as a combination, maybe you can get a better price out of him.


I know my Classic 120 rules, and it was super cheap, probably 'cause it's a Peavey. There's a bias against Peavey that keeps their prices low, and those of us who aren't brand name snobs can get good gear for peanuts.

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okay i will see what i can do! and the pre waas a rockmaster... so a peavey... is that a good deal? or you stil think i could get it cheaper?



Offer him $400. $550 seems a bit high. I've seen Rockmaster's sell for $125-$225, depending on condition and market.


As for the classic 120, I have no idea.



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I've heard great things about the Rockmaster as far as tone goes, but it is not midi-capable AFAIK. If controlling your preamp (and effects) with a midi copntroller is important to you, pass on the Rockmaster. You should be able to find an ADA MP-1 cheap, and it's awesome sounding (and midi-capable) preamp with phantom power capability as well.


I know some guys like the Marshall JMP-1, but it's a bit more expensive, so make sure that's what you want if you go that route. Same goes for the Mesa stuff. I have no experience with Rocktron's stuff, but I've heard good things.


If you get an ADA, you'll be buying used (since they're out of production) and if you don't like it you can re-sell for what you've invested in it. For that matter, it's probably a good idea to get everything used if you can. Resale is easiest in that case, thanks to Ebay.

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what are midi controled relays? and he said he could go as low as 475 shipped... which i think is pretty good because his son is hurt so thats the only reason he is selling it to pay off hospital bills... i hope that i can just get the classic 120 off of him. cause i can get an ada mp-1 for 400 with the pedal board.... and as far as i was able to find thats a good price for both. so whatcha think?

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My favorite preamp is still the Peavey Rock Master after auditioning about 10 different preamps. Tone is too subjective. Try everything, even the cheap stuff.

Don't forget that speakers make a huge difference too.



I have one and since I currently lack a power amp, I run it through my monitors and it sounds pretty crap tbh. Have you tried this? Does it sound bad this way for you?

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