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I have 1u space left in the rack case.. what to get?

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So I got myself a Korg rack tuner, ditched the 4U rack case and got me a 6U.


The 6U is now a proud hoster of Furman power, Korg DTR, Mesa Tri - all 1U, and Mesa 2:50, which is 2U. The Us all add up to 5U, thus making me worry about what to get to fill in the gap.


So please, share your wisdom and suggest a rack unit that would fit in and make my dream rig come true.


Here go da clues. An obvious solution would be some kind of TC-branded device. Like G-Force. Or what they've got. But, I play in a metal band and have never been a fan of heavily processed sounds. Sometimes, I can just flip to LD2Y mode on the Tri and perfectly get away all gig long with switching pickups and turning knobs on the guitar, and leave the Midi switch at home.


So, should 1U be occupied by: an EQ, to further tweak the overall tone? FX module - which one? Rack wah? Another pre?

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Even if you're not heavily into effects, I'd think it'd be hard to go wrong with a TC G-major... They're relatively cheap at $400 new, and could be useful for subtle tweaks to your sound (a little EQ, a touch of short delay or reverb).


If you're set against effects for the most part though, and already content with your sound, just get a rack blank or vent panel... Those can always be useful for a place to put stickers & junk.


A 1u rack light wouldn't be a bad move either.

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Too bad these
are no longer available. I love mine! It has what I call "The Producer Knob". Of course, the knobs aren't connected to anything and do nothing, but someone asks if I can turn up/down, more/less of a frequency, whatever, and I turn the knob.


Comporator, Tuberator, and Vintagerator. :lol::lol:


I wish I had one

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