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Wet/Dry rig in a 2x12 Celestions choices

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I am looking to do some upgrades to my speaker cab. I've an Avatar 2x12 that I run in stereo. My preamp is a Peavey Rockmaster and my power amp, paychecks away, will be a Carvin TS100. After listening to and reading discussions about speakers, it seems as though the Greenback and the V30 are good choices. So, let's just say that I buy one of each. Which one is the logical choice for the wet side, and which for the dry side? Or would I just have to try them and see?

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H30's seem a little hollow to me.


if your running wet/dry I would suggest higher wattage speakers. in my experiences...it seems like the higher wattage the better the sound. GB's are only 25 watts...but v30 are actually 60. maybe emi govnors?


i have had good luck with heritage GB's (EVH) in a similiar setup...although pricey.

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Okay, so here's another thought about wet/dry setups. Do you gain anything by having an EQ dedicated to each side? So that you can EQ wet one way and dry another? I am thinking of going this route with my next rig, so that I can make the wet side, I think, brighter.

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I'm looking for another cab (a 4x12) so I can run W/D/W, but right now I'm just running 2 2x12 cabs in stereo. I'll wait until I get that cab before I break out the dry signal but currently I'm just bringing the wet and dry submixes together.


Anyways, I decided I wanted to tweak my wet signal a bit and I didn't really want to do it in a MFX unit. I had a dual 31 band EQ lying around so I added it at the end of the wet signal.


So far, I'm quite happy with the results. I was able to pull out some of those extra frequencies that I felt my effects units were adding back into my signal.


So yeah ... I think post-fx eq can be a good thing.

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