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Portable stage set up in hotels?

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Hey Everyone,


I've just starting working with a 10 piece R&B dance band. We have three front vocalists & three horns who dance on stage. My first gig with them was on a 16x24 stage which also holds a drum riser (our own). The stage size limited the dancing performance and was quite crowded for this dance-show-ish band. What are the typical portable stage sizes available (from your experience) in hotels? Yes I know that hotels vary in size and vary from city to city. However, you know what I'm asking.


Thanks everyone...

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Originally posted by agedhorse

Generally the most common sizes are in increments of 4' x 4', 4' x 8', and occasionally 4' x 6'.



I don't remember seeing 4'x6', but don't doubt that they exist. What's most common in my part of the country are those fold up stage sections that consist of 2 4'x4' pieces. The down side is that here, we most commonly see the stages for hotel dates only 8' deep. Gets a little tight that way. I'd rather have 16', by 32', or even 24'x32 but the Rolling Stones said it best - "You can't always get what you want."

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Put what your minimum space requirements are in your tech package & contract. I used to run sound for an 18 pc. big band & we brought 3 layers of risers & needed an absolute minimum of 16 ft deep by 24 ft wide & even then it took a shoehorn to get everything in. The trombone players had to turn at a 45 degree angle to keep from hitting the sax players in the back of the head.

We always sent someone to scout a new venue before we signed a contract to make sure we had the space, access, and power we needed.

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