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Electric guitar DI'd - soundman's view?

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I'm considering an ampless rig for some gigs with my band, particularly ones where I can't drive there and have to use trains and buses. What are your views on guitarists turning up with Sansamps, PODs and the like? Does it work? Does it sound good?



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Had a show with a KISS tribute band called KISS Army. They showed up tired from a long road trip and asked me if they could just DI into the PA system. I checked out the DI's and they all had sansamp of one flavor or another.....


Sounded fantastic, and stage volume was really sweet.

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I wouldn't have an issue, make sure there is okay monitoring avalible though.


also you may want to get a di , so that you can go in to xlr, cause some guys could be caught with out enough DIs.



I have had a lot of success with useing the PODs with really bad players, I let them listen through the headphones and then mic the DI :)




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I've got some DI boxes for recording, taking one along wouldn't be a problem. As for monitoring, all the gigs I've done so far with this band have been at places where there's been great installed PA, or else we've taken a soundman and his rig along. Either way, its been good.


Glad to see some positive responses :)

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I've had mixed results going direct with guitar. The pod seems to be a pretty good device when used properly (I've also had good results with Roland GT series and the new VOX gtr processor). The question is are you comfortable getting a good tone from your device of choice (probably the guys who sent me bad tone would have made their amp sound terrible as well;) ). I'm not a guitarist but I've heard (from some pretty good players whom I trust) that amp modelers don't respond dynamicly the same as an overdriven tube (which gets into playing technique etc). If you can get a good tone and are happy with the trade off then go for it (they don't sound like a mic in front of an overdriven tube amp but they can sound pretty good).

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I mixed a band Sunday where the guit player had a pod>2 QSC power amps> 4 Marshall cabs(2 full stacks)....



He gave me 2 sends from his pod and told me not to mic the cabs.



"OK, whatever you want, man." I said...



It worked out just fine and they gave us money.

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Both guitar players in our band have done it this way for years. One uses a little single 12" solid state amp as a monitor. Puts it on a kick back stand an positions is much like a wedge. The other goes direct and uses IEM's.


We often play small venues so doing it this way, along with e-drums, works out extremely well. Our BE doesn't have to compete with stage volume and we can hear better.

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Has anyone compare the cabinet/mic emulator in the new POD to something like a Palmer? We currently use Palmer emulators and they sound great. I just wondered if we would still need to use them if we went direct with the POD.

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While IMHO these simulators will never sound like the real thing, they can do a good job if properly setup, and for smaller venues are certainly simpler and keep the stage volume to a minimum.


If it sounds good, I have no problem with it.

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The H&K Red Box is my favorite guitar DI. The correct way to use it is to plug the speaker out, not line out, into it. That way you get the sound of your power tubes overdriving, which is where the TONE is. I've been using it like this for over 15 years.

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So if a person was going to run the POD XT Live into a QSC PLX 1602 power amp and then to a 4x12 cabinet, what would be the best way to get the signal to the FOH board? Also, what would you tell the POD that you were connecting to?



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