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Some questions about Yorkie NX series

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You probably know this, but just in case I will repeat something I have read here and a few other places.


A cabinet with a 15 inch speaker will suffer in the mids. For clearer mids you run a 10 or 12 incher with a sub. Some here seem to prefer 10 over 12.


Once you have the sub, you use the crossover/high pass filter (?) to clear out the lows and just send the higher frequences to the top cabinets (e.g. the NX 55p).


I have a sub with my cheap JBL SF-15s and the difference between everything to the JBL cabinets and just the frequencies above the high pass threshold (?) to the cabinets is sizable in sound clarity. Much clearer mids and highs with the high pass filter in use. If I had a better cabinets and a 10 or 12 inch speaker in them, I would expect an even more dramatic result.


My buddy has two NX55Ps that we use for band practice. They sound very good and we can get decent bass out of them with the right settings. Coupled with a good sub, I think they would sound excellent.


BTW, if I mangled any terms or concepts here, my apologies, I know a little less than nothing about this stuff, but have been trying to learn by reading and some limited experience.



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Originally posted by gruvjack


Would you say that the NX55P and NX600 are pretty matched for bass response on a side by side comparison basis? I ask this because I will not be running any subwoofers for a while as the budget does not allocate them. I think I'm pretty much sold on the NX55P at this moment but I would trade off portability and ease of an active top for a little size awkwardess and extra thump of a bigger 15 inch passive box.

Just want to hear some testimonials before I take the plunge. Again, for clarity, I cannot demo either one of them anywhere in the country (only one dealer who does not have them in stock at the moment) and as such, this is pretty much a leap of faith. Thanks in advance for your 2 cents.




With flat EQ the NX55P does have more bottom but this is because Yorkville applies a bass boost in the speaker's processing, so it's not the speaker's natural response. This is great at normal listening levels (not to mention impressive for a 12'') but what happens is the woofer runs out of steam with bass heavy music at higher levels. On bass heavy songs I compensate by reducing my low freq knob by -6DB approximately. This works well but in bigger halls I bring my LS700P to handle the low end and engage the NX55Ps 100hz cut. I have compared my NX350 to the NX600 and the NX600 definitely has more output below 100hz than NX350. All specs aside I'm sure it can get louder (overall volume) than the NX55P when used stand alone - full range. And rightly so, because of the bigger woofer and bigger cabinet and no automatic bass boost. I guess it depends how much output you need and what kind of occasions you usually do. If I were you and didn't plan on getting a sub, the NX600s would definitely be considered. They are loud, full, sound very nice and handle plenty of power. I have to admit however that when I heard the NX55P for the first time it was love at first listen. Overall I guess I would have to say the Nx55P sounds better but needs more attention so the woofers aren't bottoming out at high levels (although they are well protected). I would choose the Nx600s over them however if I was looking for a one cabinet solution for average sized weddings. Feel free if you have more questions.. Al Poulin - Party-Time! DJ Services

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Another thing to consider is the convenience factor. Everything is built in the NX55Ps which is another reason I got rid of my heavy power amps and switched to powered speakers. Do you have an amp that will put out close to 600watts per channel for the NX600s? Decisions, decisions........ Al Poulin - Party-Time! DJ services

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